This isn't card art or anything, but it's still Elements related, so I can put this here... right? Right?!
So yeah... The maps in this thread are mainly used for Elements RPGs and various other forum games, but I suppose they can be used for other things, too, like WoE.

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godly realistic version of the map, made by the master artist VRT himself: history of this map is quite complicated: It was originally designed by Icybraker, then modified by Miniwally, then redesigned by myself. I tried to draw it myself, but I wasn't quite satisfied with the result (v4.0 below), so I asked my friend Iris, or DeepSeaSpirits (she preferred to be addressed as plural, and won't tell me why; she claims to be multiple people, and won't tell me how), to redraw it with her tablet pen. The art credit should go to both of us, since I designed the map and put all the text and stuff.
The outline of this map is here: are several versions of this map from the past:
Version 1.0 by Icybraker: first version of the map was very different from the current one I have now. They only share a few features.
Version 2.0 by Icybraker: second version incorporated some suggestions from me and other players. It was better than the first one, and the only thing I disliked about it was that the Desert of Time was no longer in the center. In a supercontinent, its center will most likely be a desert, because it is very far from the ocean.
Version 3.0 by Miniwally: modifications to this version were requested by Purity_Riot. He wanted to get rid of the Entropic Shore, and put Aetherland near the sea.
Version 3.5 by DeepSeaSpirits:;topic=11305.0;attach=1698;imageThis is essentially the same map as v3.0, redrawn by Iris; she got bored one night and redrew the thing for me. She's quite talented with the tablet pen, so I would have used this as the final map, except I didn't like the Desert of Time not being in the center.
Version 4.0 by Bloodshadow: version was drawn by myself, tracing v3.5 above and modifying some of it. I redesigned the map, putting the Desert in the center, and changing Aetherland to the island of Etheria. It took me an hour of frustration to get the "Great River" right; the online vectorizer seemed to be unable to tell dark blue from black, or maybe the blue ink I used was too dark. However, this version wasn't as perfect as I would've preferred, since I did not want the black borders; the Great River was also a bit rough. I asked Iris to redraw it for me, getting rid of the borders and fixing the river.
Thoughts? Suggestions?