I think landscape cards would be very useful later in the game. Or even now.
However, just a little note on the posting format you used, and you were not here when we all got the e-mail, so no big deal. But heres a little copy of it for you...
Rather than attaching files (yes, I know that I've done it too) could you please post images using the [img] tags, as the attachment storage is nearly full, and the forum is only about 2 1/2 weeks old. If you could also please remove your attachments and re-post them using [img] then it would free up a lot of space, too. We've used 987 KB, and theres only about 40 KB left.
Thank you.
P.S. Do you have anything specific in mind for what these landscape cards could be used for? Or would you like to post the details in the card request section?
P.P.S. I love the pictures.