Ctrl+J, Ctrl+T, Right-click, Click, Click-drag, save. That's not quite comparable to writing a musical piece, would you agree?
Riffing on 3 chords while singing a melody I wrote is, but if some guitar newbie decided to jam in the local coffeeshop without really putting in much effort, I'd still appreciate the plug. Far from taking a metaphorical dump on your work, what I see here is people saying, "this art looks cool, what happens when I do this? Oh, that's cool too!" Lack of effort on their part doesn't say anything about you or your art.
Just as a bit of perspective here, not trying to bash or ego-push or anything... you often come across as harsh when you don't need to. You're well-liked in the community, from what I gather, but from where I sit you often sound condescending or arrogant. (People say that about me, too, and I've been happy when they told me so I could check myself on it!) I'm sure it's not really you - maybe just the frustration of the day seeping through, and we all understand that.
I guess all I'm saying is lighten up a little! Now if only I could apply that to my own life...
EDIT: Oh, and three cheers for giving up smoking, I am behind you all the way, and envy not at all the challenge you face.