This is my entry for the Card Border Redesign Competition. Took me longer than I thought it would >< I should have procrastinated for so long to do it, but it can out nicely I believe.

On the very top you'll find the name of the card.
Just below that to the right you'll find it's casting cost.
Right under that is the type of card it is(Creature, Spell, or Permanent). I came up with the Creature symbol, since I was moving the placing of things, it would have been blank otherwise.
Halfway down the card, you'll see on the left the Fire Symbol with a number(or nothing) over it, representing the attack.
Across from that, you'll see the Life Symbol with a number(or nothing) over it, representing the HP.
Permanents and Spells will always have those two areas blank. When a weapon is flown, it will gain the creature icon as well as the attack and hp numbers.
Between those two symbols is the Creature or Permanent's passive ability.
Directly under that is the Active ability's name.
Under that is the description of the ability or any other information.
The upgraded card has some inverted colors as well as a light gradient on the card background.
New Version

On the very top you'll find the name of the card.
Just below that to the right you'll find it's casting cost.
Right under that is the type of card it is(Creature, Spell, or Permanent). I came up with the Creature symbol, since I was moving the placing of things, it would have been blank otherwise.
Near the very center of the card, you will find the attack and hp.
To the left of that you will find the card's passive ability. There is room for up to 3 passive abilities.
Under the attack and hp is the ability description.
On the very bottom is the name of the ability.
Fonts subject to change.