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Art Request: Sinner | Wretch, Seven Deadly Sins https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12231.msg152567#msg152567
« on: September 05, 2010, 11:11:11 am »

I will take ANY card art submissions. You'll get karma, although i have no clue how to give it so you'll have to tell me how to first. ^^;;

I would prefer if the humanoid ones are faceless.

Some ideas:

Sinner/Wretched Sinner: would prefer a very dark card art composed of the silhouette of a humanoid creature kneeling down in despair or something.

Pride: a black lion or a anthropomorphic lion in a suit of armor wielding a sword.

Greed: no clue.

Lust: Some black, humanoid creature with a delicious, awesomesauce figure.

Wrath: no clue.

Gluttony: I know what I want for this one. :D I would prefer a huge, black, Kirby-shaped creature with no facial features but huge lips/huge lips showing large teeth.

Envy: no clue.

Sloth: no clue.

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Re: Art Request: Sinner | Wretched Sinner, Seven Deadly Sins https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12231.msg152576#msg152576
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2010, 11:27:08 am »
suggestion: use Avarice instead of greed..
~McPasty was here~


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Re: Art Request: Sinner | Wretched Sinner, Seven Deadly Sins https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12231.msg152582#msg152582
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2010, 11:34:43 am »
I may be able to come up with something for these concepts.  I enjoy creating dark art.


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Re: Art Request: Sinner | Wretched Sinner, Seven Deadly Sins https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12231.msg152605#msg152605
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2010, 12:57:03 pm »

So for the sinner I originally wanted to create something Hellenistic/Dark Ages art style since it suits the concept so well.  In the original image you see a robed figure peering away from the light; mans willing departure from god.  I also did a writhing figure for sinner as you suggested.  I think "The Sinner" could be fantastic, inspired by the likes of William Blake, Auguste Rodin, or Hieronymus Bosch.

The top right image is a take on gluttony.  It would be a large amorphous blob with a mouth, or multiple mouthes, with hands to pull in consumables.  I thought that image would be simple, even if fully colored and refined.  So for my idea of gluttony I went for more of a semiotic approach.  The skull of a bull that man harvests meat from, an emaciated body that is riddled with hunger and burdened with an insatiable appetite while a bloated mouth is found where the stomach would be.  The stomach is both an obvious symbol, as well as a sad nod to the dynamics of starvation and how its victims stomaches become bloated.

Lust is really an easy one, sexy lady or androgynous being posed sexually or in a safe/ lightly inciting posture that is evil. 

So there are some sketches I did, let me know what you think.

Offline PineappleTopic starter

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Re: Art Request: Sinner | Wretched Sinner, Seven Deadly Sins https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12231.msg152614#msg152614
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2010, 01:40:28 pm »
REDIUM, MY SAVIOR! :D (If only I knew you when i made Reaper|Grim Reaper...no one replied to that art request thread :/ )

I love all the concept arts, especially the first gluttony (with the addition of multiple, larger mouths).
Although I'm obviously leaning towards the second sinner and the first gluttony because they're closer to the concepts I suggested, I've heard that art is an expression of the artist; I recommend you do whatever you want to do because it'll probably be more awesome-sauce than if I try to confine your awesomesauce-ness with limits.

Also, I'd love it if you would do an image for wrath, greed, envy, and maybe even sloth. However, I'm not sure if I want a dark image for pride, unless you can both make it dark and give it a noble atmosphere.

And just to clarify, lust should be sexy lady. :D

EDIT: Another thing I liked a lot about your concept arts is that they're black and white. After thinking about it, I suppose I would prefer the color scheme to compose of only grayscale and and colors so dark that they look almost black. In addition, I would prefer heavy contrast; such as only light gray, dark colors/black, and no midtones.

EDIT #2: Your first sketch of Sinner is card-worthy, I believe. Mind if I put it up?

EDIT #3: So I just realized that it'd be nice to have the sins color-coded, i.e.
Pride is brighter, Greed is darker, Lust would be green (for :life, pink if it's :entropy, but if it's color coded I can switch between the two colors with some quick photoshopping), Wrath would be red, Gluttony would be...orange? The color of gravity...Envy would be teal, and Sloth would be yellow.
On the other hand, these color schemes would be weird (green Lust? orange Gluttony? yellow Sloth?) so I'm having second thoughts...Again, best is to just do what you like.

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Re: Art Request: Sinner | Wretched Sinner, Seven Deadly Sins https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12231.msg152830#msg152830
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2010, 10:55:57 pm »
Some suggestions:

Pride: Dark fallen angel.

Greed: ???

Lust: You already got that.

Envy: Black amorphous blob with multiple faces.

Wrath: Black monster with lots of muscle.

Sloth: ???

Gluttony: You already got that.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.


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Re: Art Request: Sinner | Wretched Sinner, Seven Deadly Sins https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12231.msg152875#msg152875
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2010, 12:01:28 am »
Sorry for the late response! 

Pride can be accomplished to your original idea, in terms of color and an anthropocentric Lion-man.  I was thinking the silhouette would be outlined by light, with some dark earthy colors making up the figure.  I like that idea a lot.

I will lay down new sketches for pride, envy, avarice/greed, wrath, sloth, lust, and revise gluttony.  Since you are the client I will go with your original intentions for gluttony and tweak it a little.

Let me remake Sinner to a better quality, you can use it if you like for now, but the finished version will be much better.

lol sexy lady it is.

The idea of matching the sin to the element in terms of color is clever, and I will use it in the process.  The overall palette will be dark, but the suited elements color will be apparent.

I will try to get the preliminary sketches done tonight, but I also am working on finishing another card so I cannot promise anything.  If you like the sketches, we will go from there.

@ Bloodshadow, you are thinking very close to what I am for the ideas of envy and wrath.

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Re: Art Request: Sinner | Wretched Sinner, Seven Deadly Sins https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12231.msg153164#msg153164
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2010, 09:53:37 am »
As for Wrath, I was thinking of a guy (silhouette) in a sort of "power stance"(lol) with his arms spread, fists clenched, and head facing upward into the sky; as if cursing the heavens for causing him injustice. So if you can't think of anything, make a muscular man engulfed in flames? kthx.

And it's okay if you can't get the art to me early. I haven't even started balancing the skill costs/stats, and some people don't like the skills (lust, for example, and how greed's skill uses dark quanta). I'll probably be working on balancing for a week, so I suggest you make your other projects your first priority. ;)

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Re: Art Request: Sinner | Wretch, Seven Deadly Sins https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12231.msg154614#msg154614
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2010, 05:18:39 pm »
well, if we're gonna make envy, gluttony, and greed multiple body-parts, we could do

envy- eyes, (you need eyes to copy and gluttony already has lips/mouths)
gluttony- mouths (replace hands with long, tentacle-like tongues coming out of some mouths so that arms can go to...)
greed- arms, because you need arms and hands to take things.

alternatively, greed could be eyes, gluttony could be mouths/arms, and envy could be a faceless, humanoid shape with one mask in each hand (like the face of comedy and the face of tragedy. or would that be too detailed?).

as for sloth, i'm thinking of a shape (debating between sphere and amorphous) with one big eye barely open (as if its eyelid is drooping) and--if it's not a sphere--it's shape should be "dripping" as if heavily affected by gravity (from the concept that lazy people can't fight gravity and stand up when they're sitting in a La-Z-Boy)

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Re: Art Request: Sinner | Wretch, Seven Deadly Sins https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12231.msg158480#msg158480
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2010, 05:59:04 pm »
Hey redium.
I originally dug up this thread to yell at you for not replying for a week (joking ;D), but then I read this article about what to do BEFORE requesting art. http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,11997.0.html

I realized that my idea probably won't make it to the Armory, and so I've decided to make my own pics as a temporary substitution.

So I still need the art from you (drools), but this message is just here to remind you that you don't need to give me the art. If you feel compelled to make art for my cards, or you make art that just happens to fit one of my cards and you post it here and you give me permission to use it, I'll be happy to use it because it'll be much better than what I make. :D

So basically, work on your other projects, there's no deadline for this one. xD


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Re: Art Request: Sinner | Wretch, Seven Deadly Sins https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12231.msg158897#msg158897
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2010, 04:58:37 am »
Hey I am still on it, I am just STACKED with work from school, internship, and regular work.  I should have let you known sooner.

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Re: Art Request: Sinner | Wretch, Seven Deadly Sins https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12231.msg158955#msg158955
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2010, 08:13:31 am »
Thanks for replying quickly, it's assuring to know that you're working on them. :)
Remember, I'm the one begging for pix, so you're doing a charity. There's no deadline. :D

