Here's my try at Werewolf. I'm honestly not sure if it's good or bad anymore (if I try too hard at a piece of art, it's usually hit or miss and I mostly can't tell until the next day when my eyes are fresh.)

Well sorry to say but it's a miss, head is too big and is pulled to center which makes it even bigger. Arm is too short and forearm to long and face lacks wolf expression, but not only to criticize your shadowing is good and if you don't have much experience with fur, it's quite good. And as you say your domain is more cute and lineart.
I think these cards will fit you best
Deja Vu, Hourglass, Fate egg, Chrysaora, Toad Fish, Cockatrice, Horned Frog, Spectres, Phoenix, Schro cat, Gnome Gemfinder, Antlion, Virus, Mummy, voodo doll, Gargoyle (not sure), Damselfly, Fire fly / queen.
And these cards probably worst for you : Dragons, Nymphs, something in armor, something with scales or something flashy