
Offline Bloodshadow

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  • Bloodshadow is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Bloodshadow is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Bloodshadow is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Bloodshadow is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Bloodshadow is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Bloodshadow is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Bloodshadow is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Bloodshadow is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Bloodshadow is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.
  • 吞天纳地,魔渡众生。天下万物,唯我至尊。
  • Awards: Ultimate Profile WinnerOpposites Attract
Re: aincent creatures art request (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2010, 10:03:33 pm »
EDIT: I've edited a mammoth into something resembeling a behemoth, added as a card.
That is not your art. Merely editing it does not make it yours.

If you don't accept my Blood Shade as the :darkness creature, then I'm out. I'll make my own Legendary Creatures series.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.


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Re: aincent creatures art request (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2010, 08:18:10 am »
Yeah, the first picture wasn't art, just a picture. Acctual picture. From a museum. This one is heavily edited. REALLY heavily.


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Re: aincent creatures art request (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2010, 09:10:34 pm »
Yeah, the first picture wasn't art, just a picture. Acctual picture. From a museum. This one is heavily edited. REALLY heavily.
I still think it breaks copyright.


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Re: aincent creatures art request (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2010, 07:38:38 am »
Meh... I deleted it anyways. I didn't realize it at first.

