The 50% is a statistical number, not a concrete number. Each attack has a 50% chance of missing. When you compile all the data together, you would assume that the final numbers would be +/- 5% of the suggested 50%. But because each attack has a 50% chance of missing, you can come up with a much different result than what you expect. This does not mean that the original 50% suggested is wrong, it simply shows that our data table is either small, incorrect, or deviant. This is known simply as "luck" or "chance", and is why, while your data sample suggests otherwise, the 50% suggested on Dusk Mantle is in fact 50%. (Also note that if you ever take a statistics class, saying "I'm due to get a <heads/tail/whatever variable you're using> during the probability portion will likely dock you a few points. Probability doesn't care if you're "due" something, it doesn't care at all.)