So, I've been using an aether/darkness deck for a while and I had immortalized a vampire then used the aether shard of wisdom on it; granting it an extra +4/0 and spell damage. I'm quite sure that I've witnessed my vampire dealing spell damage and life-stealing simultaneously before; however recently it seems the buffed vampire is no longer giving me hp.
Note: The vampire still has the "vampire" ability text under the card and after the time immortality icon
, it gained the aether icon indicating that it now does spell damage
. Also, it IS attacking, no sundials, or lobotomizes or anything had been used on it. Just to clarify that this isn't just me making a mistake.
So... I'm curious as to whether vampires are not supposed to be able to lifesteal when they're dealing spell damage, I personally think that they should be able to. If not then the vampire text under the card should be removed. If this is indeed a bug; and I hope it is, I'd really hope the game workers could help to solve it quickly.
(I'm a new user on the forums but I've been playing elements for a long time ( i have a fully upgraded deck).. sorry if this topic wasn't posted in the correct area, I thought it was though)