I havent been playing much lately but came on and won a seraph so i decided to try it out after seeing its in the bazaar.. I added it into my rainbow deck and whilst playing i used Quintessence on it giving it permanent immaterial.. granted it is odd with seraphs effect to grant itself this for 1 turn, given the CC in the opponents deck i felt the need to. As a random choice i decided to use seraphs effect while it was still immaterial. Apparently this caused the already permanent immaterial to go away after that turn.
Is this intended? if so, it is the only card that can remove immaterial and only from itself. if not intended then some code needs to be changed to say
if(already immaterial via quint/quint ability like anubis)
then seraph ability does not remove quint
remove it
granted im not sure how complicated that change would be it should still be adjusted.