the problem is some of the 1% post the security issue in other forums, and i know of some games wich realy got screwed by hacks/bots
this is no minor issue and it is an easy to "fix" (or atleast to make it harder, since elements is quite doing everything client side it almost impossible to make it realy secure)
the problem about cheat engine is that since flash 8 it does alot of memory obfuscation wich changes the offsets on each restart, wich makes it hard to make a reliable hack, only thing you can do with cheat engine is like "do it manually" and get screwed by your analytics
dev6 may be transformed in a bot,wich increases your electum/cards at a sane rate (sane in this case is still pretty high, since i dont think you want to risk to ban legal players through analytics the point at wich it bans someone must be quite high)
and to answer your question
i dont expect you to fix every issue, but an issue as big as this and easy to fix as this should be fixed in my opinion
since it is only being a matter of time until someone else finds it, exspecial with gwoing user base
i dont expect you to pm me so here are my suggestions:
change the fh calculation into a seeded hash of all relevant data, a hash has the advantage of changing the whole thing when a part of the seed changes so no more "add 1 here, add 4 here" and harder to reverse engineer
add some code obfuscation to the generation of the seed (atleast spread it over some functions wich itself are spreaded among other classes/files), this will make it alot harder to break the signing through decompiling
this would be the easiest counter steps
alternatively you may hope no one else finds it