I was playing Fire Queen with a Mutation Rainbow that had several Sundials. I was happily chaining said Sundials, and Fire Queen had a full field - a few of which were Queens. Rest were Fireflies, but there might have been a flying weapon.
Anyways, I had mutated something with Scavenger (6|6 Wyrm) and I dropped a RoF.
Result: 22|22 Wyrm. Also, I mutated something with heal that turn.
I ended turn. Fire Queen started bringing back the Fireflies, and dropped a RoF on my Wyrm for 3 damage. It was now 22|19.
Anyways, I tried to Heal it with my other mutation, but nothing happened. I was confused, and mouse-overed the Wyrm, only to see that it said:
Full: 6
Current: 19
Heal unsuccesful.
Is this a bug? I'll look for the screenie if so.
*numbers and names may be slightly off