I vote for making a clear separation of 'activated abilities', 'passive abilities' and 'statuses'
momentum, adrenaline, aflatoxin, poison, freeze, stun, gravity pull (the effect, not the armagios ability) etc. would be all considered a status, and thus not removed by lobotomy (but there should be a card able to remove them, for example purify should be able to target creatures and remove statuses)
Passive abilities:
scavenger, malignant cell's duplication, vampire, devourers drain
I guess it might be hard to divide statuses and passive abilities, but these are the ones I think should be considered passive abilities and be removable by lobotomy, but not by purify.
Activated abilities:
anything you have to click to trigger (with quantum cost, sacrifice cost (viruses), or no cost, if such abilities ever exist)
Should be removable by lobo, but not by purify.
being burrowed - in fact a status, but not removable
immortality - not removable for balance reasons (IMHO, if you do not agree, there is another thread for discussion)
ethereality/immateriality - requires a lot of discussion, so right now I mark it as 'other'
antimatter - I guess it is not considered a status, but more like a 'buff' changing the attack value
swarm - this one should remain on scarabs, because scarabs need some way to calculate their hp, and I think making lobo remove swarm and set base hp to eg. 1 does not make much sense
all attack/hp buffs - right now you can counter these with rewind, so I think lobo and purify should leave these alone... maybe some new card in the future could remove buffs or something...