This is a general problem Elements has. Randomness, or better: The absence of randomness. In a variety of situations this happens, and it keeps bugging and annoying me. As the problem with random values for shields is already common and everyone gets hassled just for mentioning the bug, I just want to report the one that annoys me the most: I've finally started playing - and winning - against the Top50 and the False Gods with my RoL/Hope deck, but there are always some decks you cannot beat. As for FGs, I always quit if I face Octan or Neptune, but recently I faced the same False God 6 times in a row! How can that be? And why do I always play against the same decks from the T50? I played against srijan's deck like 18 times already and there is no end in sight..
This is either really messy code or the developers of Elements try to piss people off as much as possible. I hope I'm right assuming it's the first possibility, and if that's so I'd suggest implementing Mersenne Twister. I have used it before and I was totally satisfied with the result. All I want is to play against a variety of enemies. Right now I could just change my deck to something that works the best again srijan's deck, because it's not going to change anways.