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Possible AI5 bug https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7117.msg76567#msg76567
« on: May 28, 2010, 05:46:04 pm »
So today I'm playing that mono-aether deck (15 pillars - 5 immortals - 6 Dim Shields - 4 phase dragons) and I got each HB twice...
(sorrry it was this morning and I forogt to post so I have forgotten names - they may come back to me if I look at a list)
Firstly I played a HB (number 1)- then the next battle (number 2) it was exactly the same HB and nearly Identical battle
then it was a different HB (battle 3) but after that it was again the same one (battle 4)- and again nearly the same battle
battle 5 was a new HB again - but the 6th one was the same as number 5 >_<
in short HB1 for 2 battles
HB2 for the 3rd and 4th battles
HB3 for battles 5 and 6
anyone else experience this or was this just the luck of the draw?
*note* I didn't play anymore battles after this to see if it would continue....

