For some strange reason, the Dimensional Shield doesn't always shield.
This has happened to me twice now. Below are the details outlining the current game status that led to this problem:
Opponent: mark of air
Me: mark of aether
Opponent active cards: 2x Dragonfly, Armagio
Me: Immortal, 2x Dragonfly (1 normal, 1 with momentum)
Opponent's turn: Add Azure Dragon, and uses Parallel Universe to make one more Azure Dragon
Opp. Attack: 21
My turn: Add Dimensional Shield, Add Immortal
My Attack: 11
Opponent's turn: Add momentum to one Azure Dragon
Opp. Attack: 10
My turn: Add Quantum Pillar
My Attack: 11
Opponent's Turn: No moves made
Opp. Attack: 10
I'm not certain if this occurs only when the attacker has Momentum, but it's quite a pain. This instance was fairly bad for the game in that I lost 41HP in three turns. The other instance wasn't as bad, but I still remember losing almost 30ish HP.
Please fix!!!