Alright, here's how this happens.
There are 4 people on PVP
and She.
Me and You want to play. She gets confused and thinks Me and She want to play.
She types in Me's name on the PVP. THEN, Me types in You's name on the PVP. Lastly, You type in Me's name.
Instead of playing You, Me plays She. This is known as the three man monty (as of now. I get to name it)
After Me and She play, You gets bored and leaves. But He wants to play. So Me and He set up to play each other. Instead of playing He, Me plays You, who's next up in the cue. But You isn't on! So Me continues to ping He. And He winds up playing himself. This is known as four man monty (as of now. I get to name it)
This error is spotted, and repeated, and repeated on purpose, making it classified as a Glitch.
You might want to double check me on this though.