Deja Vu is the only creature that naturally has the Deja Vu skill. When the Deja Vu skill is used by a Deja Vu (the creature), the result is two Deja Vus with identical stats (including any modifications which have occurred up until the time the skill was used) but no skill.
Mutants can also have the Deja Vu skill. It naturally occurs, sometimes, as a result of the use of the Mutation or Improved Mutation skill (naturally possessed by Fallen Elves and Fallen Druids respectively), or the spells Mutation or Improved Mutation. When mutants use the Deja Vu skill, however, the result is that the original mutant loses the Deja Vu skill but is otherwise unchanged, and another mutant with the same name but potentially different stats and possessing a random skill (possibly Deja Vu, or possibly something else).
Given the difference between how the Deja Vu skill works when possess by a Deja Vu (the creature) or by a mutant, I have to question whether this is intended behaviour. If it is not, this is a bug.