Why would you ever prevent a player from doing things when you could introduce something as hilarious and thematically fitting as a singularity? It can even be used in OTK's for heaven's sake. Creativity and appreciation of mechanics, where did you go? I for one love doing my own research.
There's a line where games can get too chaotic and random for me to enjoy. Elements, however, is very structured. It's even completely possible to see the odds of a sing doing certain things. It's controllable and can only be triggered by you.
Sing wasn't really created to prevent abuse of mechanics. Chaining Supernovas didn't lead to any OP combo or anything, it was just the fact that Supernovabows were able to pack everything AND be very fast at the same time. The nerf slowed them down by a turn or two, which hasn't had much impact on controlbows against Arena or in PvP tbh.