I have checked out the other topics regarding SoB, but my bug is different actually. At least so much that I decided to start an extra topic.
I was playing against my arena deck (Light, Deckout). On my last draw, I got the message *next turn ur going to lose...*, as usual. My arena-deck-AI had 2 sanctuaries out, me with just one Shard of Bravery left in my hand. Even though I knew that the SoB would not have any effect due to the sancts, I played it because I was going to lose either way.
The strange thing: As soon as I played the SoB, I lost as if I would have played the SoB in a normal low-deck-situation. The sanctuaries prevented the AI and me to draw cards during the whole game when I used SoB, but close to deckout the internal card counter must have calculated below zero, ignoring the sancts, so that I lost even though the AI would have had to do it's turn before I would have lost in a regular way by not being able to draw further cards.
Well, this bug isn't a big, problematic one of course. I still hope it's possible to fix it, who knows