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Account Problems https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=19776.msg250742#msg250742
« on: January 18, 2011, 02:12:14 am »
 >:( I have been having problems with getting higher than even a score of 200 for a while. I have recently made a deck that has had much progress among these past days. I have finally earned a score of ~ 1279. But today (Monday Jan. 17) I had decided that, hey why dont I sign up on the ELEMENTS site and maybe do a little extra for my gameplay. I made a account for ELEMENTS site, (Being that I previosly played on KONGREGATE) and then I had gone to link accounts, but thats when this incedent happend and good god do I hope it can be reversed. It had reseted my account from KONGREGATE which had 4 or 5 upgraded cards at the moment with the level 6 beaten a few times, with the account that I had just made for contest and more for my gameplay as previusly said earlier. So it looks like me getting so erritated, that I just give up and dont play, for the time spent in my efforts, or restart, wich I myself have a hard time seeing. Now, I dont want to be the one to give up but I guess im just a little mad from this incedent. Also, to note, I registered here and agreed to conditions and ect. mainly for this incedent and if this is reversed I can garrante that I will do what I can in my power to even donate and improve this games status thus to be greater than what it is now.Now please, I hope you try to improve this problem and Thank You.
 :aether :air :darkness :death :earth :entropy :fire :gravity :life :light :time :water
 :water :time :light :life :gravity :fire :entropy :earth :death :darkness :air :aether

THE AMAZEMENT OF THE ABILITY thank you it is 3-3-11 and i logged on to see the problem only to be solved and my garrante is being looked into I have the up most respect twords this and thank you o so much its amazing i am dedicated to this situation and thank thank thank thank you so dearly :P :P :P :P :P :P :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :P :P :P :P :P

