Hi, fairly long-time player, first time on the forums.
I'm running Firefox browser in case it makes a difference.
Ever since the latest update I've been encountering a number of unusual bugs:
-Every time I try to go to the "manage deck" screen my computer begins running slow and I get an error message stating that a java script on the page is causing my computer to run slow, and will cause my computer to freeze unless I halt the script. I have been unable to change my deck at all since this started, but I can still play versus AI.
-A couple of times now I've drawn "blank cards" where that card I draw is just the gray outline of the card with nothing inside it. The blank cards simply disappear when I click on them.
-I haven't confirmed this one yet, but it seems that sometimes when I sell a card the next day that same card re-appears in my inventory.
-The AI can still play creature abilities of frozen/congealed creatures
-Not sure if this last one is a bug or just something that was changed in the update, but quintessence has started removing the "frozen" status of any creature it's cast on. I checked the latest patch notes and didn't see any mention of the change.