Today I had a hidden pet from the oracle and I set off to do some AI3....
To my surprise I had an Amber Nymph, which was nice because I was getting ready to do some testing on a Discord based-SN deck, so I had a bit of quanta to power the nymph.
I noticed the next game, I started off with the nymph again, and started to get these grandiose ideas about maybe the glitch would just always start me off with an amber nymph every game.
3rd game... nymph was still there. I began to want to switch to some FG farming and perhaps even reconfigure my deck so that it was built around starting with an amber nymph. I was afraid that if I switched anything (deck or game type) the pet would go away.
4th game... nymph pet was finally gone. It was a fun run while it lasted... is this something anyone has encountered before or is this a new feature that has been added?