Just had a match against someone (regretfully I forgot the name

) that asked me, on one turn, to confirm whether I had 5 quantum towers on board - I thought it a strange request, but I did confirm that, after which my opponent asked how this was possible, after he had cast an earthquake on the pile.
I hadn't seen my opponent casting the earthquake spell at all.

Unfortunately, my opponent apparently timed out or left before I could answer, but this prompted me to finally register to the forums in the hopes of discussing some bugs.
I've noticed many times that me and my opponent seem to be seeing completely different things - sometimes I see my opponent's creatures health and power going down to 0/0, and disappearing without any apparent cause - often I cannot target creatures or items that have no special protection against targetting - sometimes my opponent can target creatures that are burrowed, or that have been made immortal through the special ability of Anubis, the plague spell works so rarely that I ended up taking it out of my deck (it does infect opponent creatures, but maybe half the time the infected creatures get +1 to health at the begining of my opponents turn, which then gets reduced by the infection -1 at the end - in other words, the infection has no effect on enemy creatures.)
When you cast Earthquake or use the Tsunami ability of the trident weapon, and your opponent lays down a new pilar of the same kind you destroyed, the count on that pilar pile goes up to what it was before you destroyed the pilars. I don't know if this is just a visual artefact, or whether those pilars are actually back there.
Now after the exchange with my recent opponent, I'm not even sure that in such cases my opponent sees me using the trident, or casting earthquake.
In other words, MAN there are a lot of bugs in this game. I read elsewhere that this game is made, and maintained, as a hobby, by one person, which kind of makes it understandable (huge props to the author for his work), but also makes me hope that he'd look for some willing and able assistants to the bug hunt.