Hello guys,
i am not new at the game, only at forum ;-) and i wondered about something changed with Version 1.30 that is not wrotet at patchnotes and not the same as is wrote on the cards...
Since Version 1.30 the AI is more intelligent and thats nice, but i really wondered, that i "Antimatter" and "Quintessence" an enemy creature and he still can cast on this creature "Mutation". That is a bug, or is it wanted? And that happens not just only for 1 time.
The next bug is that with "Shard of Integrety" i got an "Mirror Shield" and the enemy distroy it with "Deflagration"
Thats why i am confused and maybe have to switch from my tactics with quintessenced creatures, and Artifacts, cause its not as save than i thought.
(english isn´t my first language, but i hope you can understand my issues)
Thanks, Heaven