This an example why I think is definitively a bug that should addressed in the next realase.
A you can see the Ai has stolen me the two Empathic Bond and not only it cure itself, but with those Parasite can poison every creature i play, and since I'm using a mono life, I cant do a thing about other than lose.
At this today add the fact that on 3 hours play I lost 99% of the games against this particular deck.
And to add insult at the injury it comed up A LOT!
I totally think that the shield suck as is, and I really would like have the chance to revert back the upgrade I've made.
(sadly I have just 2 of those)
At least the text on the card should be changed from "physical damage reduced by 1" to "lower the attack of the enemy creature by 1" that seems more clear to me IF it this is the intended effect.
I'm quite sure it is not, because for as much I think I cannot find any advantage in it.