I did it again to drive the point home, and because I have more time than sense:
turn aether+gain(b->e) white+gain(b->e) devos aether-loss(b->e) white-loss(b->e)
1 1->5 0->3 0 5->5 3->3
2 5->9 3->6 0 9->9 6->6 he kills all three of my RoLs - Oops!
3 9->13 6->6 1 13->13 6->5
4 13->17 5->5 1 17->16 5->5 got another RoL, but I'm waiting for him to fractal 1st, for science
5 16->20 5->5 1 20->20 5->4
6 20->24 4->4 2 24->23 4->3
7 0->4 3->8 2 4->4 8->6 bah, not waiting any longer
8 4->8 6->10 3 8->8 10->7
9 0->4 7->14 4 4->4 14->10
10 2->7 2->8 4 7->5 8->6
11 6->12 6->12 4 12->11 12->9
12 0->6 9->20 6 6->5 20->15
13 5->11 2->14 6 11->8 14->11
14 8->14 12->25 6 14->11 25->22
15 0->6 9->22 6 6->3 22->18 7 is getting drained now?!?
16 3->9 5->18 6 9->7 18->13 off-screen devourer?!?
17 7->13 0->13 6 13->12 13->7
18 0->6 7->22 6 6->4 22->17 trading in last fractal for two rols, since my 13 white per turn is more like 8
19 4->10 4->18 6 10->7 18->14
20 8->15 1->15 6 15->12 15->11
21 13->21 11->25 6 21->19 25->20
22 19->26 0->13 6 26->22 13->10 (I went for thudnerbolt/miracle here, instead of dragon #5, 3 misses on dusk /sad)
23 23->32 10->22 6 32->29 22->18 (crap, 3 misses again, I'm going to get decked)
24 29->38 5->17? Whew, no super Dusk with 0 cards left in deck!
So 35 aether drained, 66 light drained. Again, I'm a bit suprised it was that "close". Apparently, I was under the influence of some cognative bias myself, more inclined to notice the laege imbalanced 6:0 turns, and less inclined to notice the common 3:3, despite being aware of the tendency to do just that.
Nevertheless, notice as in my previous trial, aether "won" over life (was drained harder) precisely twice out of >17 turns, whereas light 24 times. That's like flipping a coin 26 times and only seeing two heads. Or, if you prefer to look at each individual drain event, rather than on a per turn basis (which is probably a better idea as this gives a better sample size), it was 43 versus 88.
Wikipedia has an article on checking whether a coin is fair (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checking_whether_a_coin_is_fair). We'd have to plot the curve of
f(r) = 131! / (43!*88!) * r^43 * (1-r)^88
between r's of .45 or .55, and then find the area under it. I can't figure out how to do that, but a rough guess would be to assume a straight line between f(.45) and f(.55), and get the area of the trapezoid
f(0.45) = 131! / (43!*88!) * r^43 * (1-r)^88 = fac(131) / (fac(43)*fac(88)) * 0.45^43 * 0.55^88 = 0.00131392106344201
f(0.55) = 131! / (43!*88!) * r^43 * (1-r)^88 = fac(131) / (fac(43)*fac(88)) * 0.55^43 * 0.45^88 = 1.57329936547103e-07 = 0.000000157329936547103
A = 1/2 * h * (a+b)
A = 1/2 * (0.55-0.45) * (f(0.45)+f(0.55))
A = 0.5 * 0.1 * (0.001314) = 0.0000657
Odds of this being a fair coin are about 0.00657 percent. Better than one in a million, but not by much!
PS: I win a Pest and a Drain.