??? ??? ???
ok still somewhat new to this but here goes...
i've been farming T50's with a modified unupgraded Fire-Earth Speed Golem deck and after winning one against a T50 came to the lotto and upon winning what i thought to be a "Quantrum Tower" it turned out to be mearly a basic "Quantrum Pillar"...this was unexpected since all the pillars this particular T50 used were the QTowers...
Does the game automatically unupgrade the cards you win in the lotto or is this a bug?
Its happened on a couple of other times as well once turning an elite Otyugh back into the basic...
I've gotten a couple of shards and could understand why these would be unupgraded...but why the other cards?
Kinda defeats half the purpose of farming.
Also i've noiticed that if a Fahrenheit is made into a creature that it no longer counts in the (fire quantrums / 5 ) into its damage...not sure if this was as well on purpose or if its an error...