For Attack 0 Adrenaline gives 5 attacks at Current Attack (creatures with 0 attack tend to not attack. But see sundial.)
For Attack -3 to -1 and 1 to 3 Adrenaline gives 4 attacks at Current Attack
For Attack -8 to -4 and 4 to 8 Adrenaline gives 3 attacks at Current Attack, 2/3 Current Attack and 1/3 Current Attack
For Attack -15 to -9 and 9 to 15 Adrenaline gives 2 attacks at Current Attack, 1/3 Current Attack
Values are rounded up
4, 8/3, 4/3 -> 4,2.67,1.33 -> 4, 3, 2
-4, -8/3, -4/3 -> -4,-2.67,-1.33 -> -4, -2, -1