Fractal condor CAN be somewhat effective, but the same deck using Ivory dragons instead can kill FGs (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,17967.0.html )
Let's do a side-by-side comparison:
When fractalling dragons, one first uses fractal on retrovirus. This combines with soul catcher to give enough

to fractal the dragons. This also provides early cc and stalling (by boosting bonewall).
Now for condor. Generally, you want to play the condors first, so they can get boosted when the retroviruses die. This means that a) the initial fractal is more expensive b) your cc and stalling is delayed and c) your attackers still only do 1 damage until the second fractal.
even after the second fractal there's a 1-turn delay before the retroviruses can use their skill, and assuming 8 deaths that turn, the condors are still only at 9 attack versus the dragons 11. Generally by the time the condors can catch up in damage the dragon deck is ready to lay down another fractal of dragons.
Why is scavenger particularly strong on a

card? Death actually doesn't have very good cc.
Compared to other growth abilities scavenger gives less of a boost and needs another card to trigger it, but it can trigger more often and has no quanta cost to use, so I'd put them about equal. However, vulture/condor starts with worse stats than other growth creatures, and it's more expensive than forest spirit or fire spirit. (the closest growth creatures stat-wise)