Won 15
Loss 5
Losses due to holding that in my hand rather then something else: 2
52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52h 52h 52h 52i 52i 52i 52i 52n 52n 52n 52n 52p 52p 52p 52r 52r 52r 52r
This is after disincluding desyncs and starter decks.
Now what happened an awful lot is that whether I was facing Shriekers, Lava Golems, Dragons, Pheonixes, Adrenalined Scorpions of both poisonous and neurotoxin type
The difference between win or loss was my ability to keep my bone wall standing so my dragon could kill them. For instance against an Aether deck I was facing Phase Dragons coupled with Phase Shields.
I was actually sacrificing my viruses without targeting anything just to keep my bone wall up a little bit longer. And it was because of that I was able to outlast his phase shield and win.
And that was basically the major value of the virus at least 40% of the time that is what I was using my viruses for and I tell you it was a very important use.
However rarely was any one use of the virus the thing that pulled me through it was usually its combination of CC, Bone wall and Bone yards that pulled my through. For instance.
I was facing a shrieker deck that had basalisk blooded the dragons but I would virus his shriekers as soon as they appeared, the sacrifice of my virus boosting my bone wall so the shriekers didn't hurt me and giving me 2 and then 3 skeletons to do my own damage. Then right before he would get rid of my bonewall the shriekers would die giving me more skeletons and boosting my wall further.
Then near the end when I was running out of bonewall, plagues and viruses he put up a titanium shield. He had two shriekers left and it looked like he would win, when his basalisk bloods wore off and my dragons pulled me through.
It was a memorable win through the use of the combined arms.
And that was actually a common aspect. The combined synergy of all the cards is often what pulled me through.
Take my very last game, he placed a mantle halfway through and was using fractal dragons/devours. However he was wary of my plague and would set his units out piecemeal trying to draw me out. I instead held on to everything and just kept feeding bonewalls and my own dragons, picking off his dragons with viruses, feeding my bonewall and boneyard. He would pick my dragons off with drain. I had to time my bonewalls to coincide with the death of his dragons though.
Finally he just said hell with it and placed everything out. I plagued him, he fractaled again. And at the end I was facing five dragons, a mantle and with only my bone walls and a shitload of skeletons and one last dragon.
My skeletons allowed me to just barely pull through.
If I hadn't had viruses feeding my bonewall and taking out his dragons, he would have killed me a lot sooner.
Anyway, this has left me more convinced then ever before that virus is fine. If you doubt me still, I don't know what else to do.