It can be game changing with this strategy.
You play nymph which can't be killed --> every card you creature can't be killed --> you beat that guy whose deck relies on kill and stall tactics to win.
No antimatter, no aflatoxin, no bolt cards, no firestorm, no reverse time, no freeze/delay, no otyugh, etc
How many decks rely on one or a combination of these to win? Most rainbow stalls do. Water stalls, Fire stalls, Entropy stalls, Death stalls. Ther's too many to name.
And what's unique about it? It's not off element like anubis.
The thing is, with such a high cost, any water stall, fire stall, entropy stall, and death stall wouldn't really function because of the amount of aether they would have to add in. In a rainbow, getting so much quanta will still be an issue, but then you might as well take an anubis instead.
Yes, the nymph as the advantage of being a mono card, but what use is that when aether only has 2 non-immaterial creatures? If you immortalize a phase recluse, you're spending a total of 7

for 7 attack. That's better than an elite immortal's 5 attack for the same cost, but the spider requires itself and the nymph. And there's no guarantee the nymph will survive its first turn to immortalize itself, so that's probably another quintessence needed for a three-card combo. I'd rather just play the immortal as a single card knowing that it's automatically immortal.