This shows that for the same use Anubis is more used (probably because it is better).
A common card is better than a nymph ...
We don't say it needs a buff. It needs a change!
Anubis, common card: used more because it is better.
Turquoise Nymph, Ultra-rare card: used less because it is totally useless, and thus needs to be changed.
If Turquoise Nymph is really so bad, and is being totally overshadowed by Anubis, how you explain the fact that
Nymphs are used even less than it.
If this card wasn't used at all, then maybe it should be changed. But since it is already around 5th to 7th most used Nymph, it clearly shows that Turquoise is played in some decks regardless for the fact that it has similar ability than Anubis. Do we really want to see Turquoise Nymph "changed" like Light Nymph was? Do you?
Well, Light Nymph is a bad example, since it's the most used unupped Nymph...
Now about Turquoise... Quintescence is a really used and useful ability, it's obvious that people will use it, so I disagree in the use of numbers to balance. If you look at Quantum Tower you will see that it's 2x more used than the second most used card, but that doesn't mean that it's OP, since it's the best quanta generator for rainbows... Well, Turquoise Nymph fails at quinting. And it's practical. You have to hold a fragile, 8

(or was it 9?) creature for 1 turn to start quinting at a cost of 3

(like upped quint), and you won't need that many quints.
The Nymph is used because quint is a must in most rainbows, but for PvP it's unuseful (balancing happens in PvP, not in PvE). johannhowitzer's deck shows that Nymph's Tears is a good buff for the Nymphs, since a Turquoise Nymph would have been unuseful there, and yet, using quints in that place would have been better IMO.