I'm surprised this card hasn't been posted yet. Anyway, I was thinking how Longbow is almost never used, whereas Gavel is used quite a bit more, because two elements give it +1 damage instead of one for the bow, because the gavel has more hp, and because the earth weapon, pulverizer, is strictly worse than gavel if you aren't using gravity quanta.
My proposed (small) buff to both versions is to give it +1 damage for having a water mark, in addition to the +1 for having an air mark that it currently has. (or maybe a life mark, because that would be more thematic with hunting and animals and all that in life, but I'd almost always use jade staff for 2 instead of a longbow for 2 in monolife) Water's weapon is poseidon, and so in monowater, if I'm using a weapon, it's always longsword, because poseidon costs more and it sucks without earth quanta. This would put longbow on more equal footing with gavel in usage and give monowater a slightly better weapon.
I have no idea how this would be justified thematically, but whatever :p