There is SoW+reflect to deal with immortals.
Haha I didn't think of that actually but again a soft counter and a 2-card counter at that. I just feel there needs to be a for sure way to stop immortal creatures. For example if you were to create a deck relying on you being able to target your opponents creatures (liquid antimatter let's say), having 2 or 3 quintessence might really help out. It's just a fun idea, I don't expect it to be incorporated.
Immaterial itself is a counter to CC like LS or control decks. Immaterial is like a "break" deck meant to withstand control and deal damage. The only counters to immaterial creatures before SoW was using a heavy stall with damage dealing shield. After SoW, a single reflect shield (1
, can be powered with a single nova) and SoW (1
) can be used as a much cheaper version of LS.
In fact, that combo can even be used without immaterial.
+ 1
+ 1
+ 3 cards = reflect damage
+ 3
+ 2 cards = reflect damage + healing