Every think why almost no one upgrades it?
As much as everyone likes bigger dragons, speed/quantum management is highly valued in ETG, even at the cost of an ATK | HP buff. Bigger dragons tend to be neglected because there are more practical expensive upgrades at that point in time such as Miracle. (Instosis was an exception to this rule.)
Denying quanta is NOT useless in the least, two for a potentially damaging pillar, that ALSO drain there quanta is not bad.. And as for shields, steal, enough said. And 5 quanta is not expensive, and 5 hp is not low, that is only killed by 2 CC cards in the game, barring the repeatable ones of course.
LLLOOOLLL funny you say that, because devourers are USELESS lets see... vs lvl 4....lvl5....and practically Any Arena deck with Mark greater than 1... they suck, they cost 2 for No damage output, my deck just just fine without them, why doesn't anyone understand my point. think about it. Obsidian Dragons really are UP
Pests aren't good against any AI opponent with a head start. They're meant for PvP to deny players, where drain at any stage can hurt an average player much more than the typical FG.
Obisidian Dragon is
strictly worse than:
Sky Dragon by 1 | 1
Amethyst Dragon by 1 quanta
Jade Dragon by 3 Hp
...and that's about it. The rest of the dragons have variety of mix-and-match stats that would make them useful in different situations - if you're running a Water/Darkness duo and you know your opponent has lightning you would probably pick Obsidian Dragon over Arctic Dragon because +1 HP hinders your opponent's attempts to kill it. If you want to rush and are willing to sacrifice some efficiency for speed, Ivory Dragon is your best bet. If you want longterm power at the price of a higher cost, pick Light Dragon. The dragons that do stick slightly above the rest only do so slightly and are still confined to 1 specific element like the rest. The only 'slightly better' dragon that really has a conflict with Obsidian is Amethyst IMHO, since Life and Air tend to be more creature-focused/airborne-aggressive respectively, but its worth noting Entropy doesn't have a 'quantum weenie' like Light or Darkness does. (Said weenies also make great fractal fodder.)
So what does this dragon do? It's a beatstick, like every other dragon. It's not at the top level of creatures, but its certainly not Massive Dragon-useless if you need a source of damage as a finisher in a

stall. If you want to find more efficient Liquid Shadow targets, you're going to have to go out of element. It's slightly more expensive than a dragon above par, but said dragon doesn't have it's 'Pest' or 'Ray of Light' to back it up. +1 HP
As for the buffs:
reduce cost by 1 Darkness - Possible, but I don't think it's necessary due to Darkness's quantum acceleration and in-element uses (Liquid Shadow).
Attack +1 - Possible but then it starts to go into Life/Air's 'good offense' territory.
HP +1 - Already past the 'lightning' threshold. This does nothing.
I do not think a buff is needed.