Forgive me if this has already been posted here, but I didn't see it(or missed it).
Anyway, I personally love this card, but I believe the cost is just a tad bit too high.
It costs 9 Time quanta to play(which can be difficult to get since the other Time cards are so useful) and then an additional 2 Time Quanta to summon scarabs. Even with SoR, the Pharaoh is pretty slow at producing Scarabs, a 3/1 creature that requires them to be in bunches. The cost for a Pharoah is just too high IMO.
Why use a Pharaoh over Fractals?
A Pharaoh can produce 1 Scarab per turn. A Fractal can produce a maximum of 8 in a single turn, not taking into account the one you had in play. Yes, the Fractal requires Aether quanta, but it's so much faster than just having the Pharaoh that it kinda evens out. Having the Fractal instead also means that your deck can use that extra Time Quanta on those Hourglasses you need.
What I propose is just a reduction in the cost.
Make it cost 8 or 7 Time quanta. That's all I'm asking. It'll still be slow, but it wont be AS slow.
If I'm looking at this the wrong way, feel free to show me my errors :p