FYI, to comply with the guidelines of this section, the Original Post is going to need a poll, just so you can at a glance see the general opinion of the community. There should be an Edit Poll button somewhere around there, which should let you add one if nothing else.
As a player, personally I don't think they need buffing, I have two White Nymphs and use them quite often in some of my favourite PvP Decks as well as Luciferen in one of them.
Luciferen is a little narrow in scope, but with Hope, Golden Dragons and Miracles, I just think that people aren't using it as much as they should. Light Nymph on the other hand, 10 health gain every turn for the cost of 1 card (and easily fundable considering its effect) is pretty great.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
55n 5c0 5lj 5lj 5lj 5lk 5lk 5lk 5ls 5ls 6tu 6tu 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 77a 7dm 7gm 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7k2 7q1 80e 8pj
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
52q 52s 52s 52s 52s 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 5ld 5ld 5ld 5ld 5ls 5ls 71a 71c 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 7jq 7jq 7k2 7k2 7k2 8pq
The above decks have been built in the past 2 minutes from memory only, so don't get annoyed if they don't perform amazingly - just by looking now I feel like the bottom deck is missing cards, maybe Recluse?