The reason behind the "low" hp is the fact that she completely ignores all the shield effects. The only other nymph who does the same is the Auburn one, with 0|3 stats and a more expensive skill cost.
Also note, that she has been already buffed once, as her skill costed 3 (2 upped)

before. Personally, I think she is one of the most powerful nymphs out there, because she can reproduce an 8

(!!!) cost spell each turn for a single

quanta, and with this you can easily lock your opponent's whole board in a few turns with a proper shield, especially with some protection for the lady (with quint she's truely immortal). She can also serve as a form of CC with the 2 dmg/turn which is already somewhat better than the other infections at hand.
Upgraded she gets a far better survivability, and gains a reasonable resistance against the listed control cards, and still holds the power to lock you down in 4-5 turns. It's not a bad thing that she can't survive these unupgraded, just look at all the other unupgraded creatures, or even some of the nymphs. Only a few are capable of surviving a lightning or a rage pot.
I'm still suprised how underrated she is.