Me and doctor CaptainScibra have discussed in chat about the fate egg question, this are the things we have found out:
The average cost of a non-upgraded creature is about 5.5.
The cost of fate egg is 3+1+1turn(to just not be a 0/3 stick).
We could say that 3+1+1 turn is in fact about 5.5 since 1 turn is worth more then 1 quanta on a rough estimate.
So we can say that fate egg is kinda balanced but the problem itself is that is not well distribuited:
We thought that a good solution might be to make it 2(summoning)2 ability+1 turn ofc.
This might help to don't overpay for a 0/3 stick and so to have a better quanta/turns/result ratio, plus almost evryone who plays fate eggs also plays a monotime and this might help to be able to put it in some non-time decks.
EDIT:After having consulted Zblader we found that the a comparison with graboid(due to the hatch mechanic) should have to be done and so we have:
The main problem is (regarding the fact that graboid uses a second element to hatch) that fate egg doesn't worth its price on summoning while it's okay after 1 turn, but giving the fact that an egg(wich is what it lacks of for being counted as worthy of its price), with an atk value is not fitting thematics, we thought that a good solution may be making it costs 2+2 but with skills ready to use(see fenghuang for clarifications).
I think the creature's cost
can be reduced to 2

without any other change.
The cost-formula is crock to a certain degree and nobody seems to realize it or care. Let's see:
Upped Abyss Crawler. 6|6. No ability. That's the cost of...8 or 9, right?
Armagio. 1|25. Ability. That's the cost of...12, right?
Horned Frog. 3|3. No ability. That's the cost of...4, right?
And so on. For the pros: I don't wanna start a formula discussion here, I read the topic about it, know about high-HP-creatures and bla. I didn't use the exact formula to calculate, so keep your correction efforts at bay...The point is: People should use their experience and knowledge, not some synthetical toy detached from the entire game. I mentioned that because my position shall be clear. The approach with cost calculation is of no use in my point of view.
Sorry for necroing this thread, but i thought: wouldn't be cool if creatures hatched from Fate Egg inherit a passive ability "Hatched" that causes them to revert back into a Fate Egg if rewinded?
This would be a simple buff for two reasons:
the "partial" immunity to rewind would give the creature spawned a plus among other creatures.
the possibility to retry another hatch without wasting an egg (but you're wasting a turn and a rewind).
Soffy if this has been proposed before! But the thread was 11 pages long and i didn't want to search through them!
A very good example why no formula is required. I like this idea a lot and think the card can be changed in this way. It would fit, it would make as much sense as there can be and make another card *RT-resistant*.
If two creatures are spawned by using SoR, there would be one RT-egg but still the 2nd creature on the field. How nice

Final words: As far as I'm concerned, there are no adjustments necessary to this card. To make it *perfect in any regard* - yes, but it's at least viable now. If there were changes, I'd favor Manuz' idea.