Would you please elaborate on why it is UP more than just a table comparison with Vampire Dagger? I see your point, but an opening argument to build off of would be nice. ^^;
Compare Shard of Gratitude:

Other Quanta = 1.5 + 1.5[Standard Cost] IIRC.
5 = 1.5 + 1.5[Unupped Cost if SoG costed

3.5 = 1.5[Unupped Cost]
Unupped Cost=2.3 ~= 2
3 = 1.5 + 1.5[Upped Cost if SoG costed

1.5 = 1.5[Upped Cost]
Upped Cost=1
Assuming that Mark Bonus is not taken into account, SoG gives 3 HP each turn for 2

| 1

Weapons get an innate -3 cost for Single Slot bonus.
Druidic Staff costs 2


for a net 7 | 9 HP difference increase between your and enemy HP each turn.
Vampire Dagger Costs 1 | 2


for a net 8 | 12 HP difference between your and enemy HP each turn.
SoG 3/2 = 1.5 HP/Quanta
Druidic Staff = 7/5 = 1.4 HP/Quanta
Vampire Dagger 8/4 = 2 HP/Quanta
SoG 3/1 = 3 HP/Quanta (Pity it isn't used that often anymore. ^^;)
Druidic Staff = 9/5 = 1.8 HP/Quanta
Vampire Dagger 12/5 = 2.4 HP/Quanta
However Vampire Dagger is the most vulnerable out of all the cards (Healing is reduced by shields, cannot heal if frozen/delayed). This should compensate for the +0.6HP difference with the more resilient Druidic Staff. Life is also better suited to healing with it's cards in general, as they do not have damaging the opponent as a requirement for getting full healing (unlike most of Darkness's vampiric cards)
Conclusion: No change needed. Difference is slight and is compensated for by other factors.