you don´t understand do you?
play any buff on the scorpio + adrenaline and it will infect 4 poison per round Or 6, if the poison is raised to 3 per hit oO
2 poison is enough...
the idea with 1 poison 1 atk and everytime a creature dies would be nice
but you only have to play adrenaline and the 2 poison are realy nice...
Actually, "any buff + adrenaline" results in:
Blessing: 12 damage, 4 poison. 7 quanta from 3 elements. 2.2 attack / quantum
Momentum: 4 damage, 4 poison. 6 quanta from 3 elements. 1.3 attack / quantum
Eclipse: 8 damage, 4 poison. 9 quanta from 3 elements. 1.3 attack / quantum
Compare that to...
Giant Frog. 5 damage. 2 quanta from one element. 2.5 attack / quantum.
Horned Frog + Adrenaline. 12 damage. 4 quanta from one element. 3 attack / quanta.
Of course, the scorpion's attack gets better over time, but note that any one CC card for less than 3 quanta can destroy your >3 quanta 3 card combo: fire bolt, snipe, shockwave, 10+ icebolt, 10+drain life, rewind, etc.
+1 poison when a creature dies sounds cool and is also part of death's theme. It shouldn't be too hard to kill something, right?