Colossal dragon, isn't meant to be dealy. That's what the red dragons are for. Colossal dragons are meant to be BIG. And while bigness in itself isn't much of ahighlight on it's own, in comobs it can be deadly. Take, for example, a gravity-earth duo. The colossal dragon has 30HP and 8ATK. Two Rage Potions and it's an 18|22 creature. Add momentum and you have a 19|23 colossal dragon that can't be blocked. Now let's look at another thing: If you add light to that, you can also give it acceleration, and repetetively heal it with an Archangel. Now let's make this even bigger: add earth and you can repetetively Basilisk Blood it. Afterwards, cast Chimera, and MORE RAGE POTIONS! If your opponent hasn't been deadened by now you're doing something terribly wrong. Aaaaand now I'm ranting. But the very very very dull point here is that alone, no, neither the massive nore colossal dragons are gamechangers. But Gravity overall really isn't explosive on it's own.