No more please. Gravity has been given it's 2 attack strategies (Chimera/catapult) and the creatures to match. It seems fair enough to me.
Gravity is still one of the most unpopular elements... I'm yet to see any awesome or competitive mono-gravity deck.
Both Chimera and Catapult are VERY situational cards, whom you can't just make a whole strategy around. You need a shield lockdown to make Chimera useful, and it's yet too weak against freeze/rewind/delay effects, and having enough creatures to make use of a catapult is too difficult to be practical, since you have to stall all the way until you get enough high HP creatures.
Regarding the Dragon. It might be more used now, but it still needs another buff... Cost/damage ratio is awful, and cost/hp ratio is overwhelmed by Armagio. Unless any of those are solved, this card won't be balanced