I think the people here obviously do not appreciate this dragon has 30 HP. You can't honestly say 30 HP for a few

more is expensive. It isn't. You can see it if you were to add a few attack. It just becomes a regular dragon but WITH 30 HP. You can say there is no use for the 30 HP, but obviously there is. It is not situational either. This dragon can stay on the field, do some damage, and it can be catapulted/Chimera'd/momentumed in the endgame. That is not situational. That is main line. It is situational if the opponent can play in such a way that you can't use the dragon. For example, take maxwell's. Situational, because the opponent might play low attack creatures. So it is not bad to have 1 or 2 dragons in your deck. Sure, you can say other creatures are better. Likewise, I can say, YES, but basalt dragons are also too expensive. I always use golems and graboids. Basalt dragons need a buff! Then someone can retort: Yes, but the basalt dragon is the ONLY creature that is airborne. Hmm. The MASSIVE dragon is the only gravity creature that is airborne, hence it has value. You have no defence here.
Solution is simple: Add attack/give momentum maybe? (But why, what of the sapphire charger?) Then, cut the HP way down. Another ability is fine. But it can't really have ability and that much HP. It's OP.
I do like the last reply. The dragon looks incredibly fat indeed. It could lay a fate egg, then it could open in a few turns for sure. I can see the humour in that. I'm not going along with the 80 tonnes dragon. That is more than a whale, even almost double of a Dinosaur. Hence, it cannot be airborne anymore if it weighs 80 tonnes.