I think part of the issue about Armagio is that it invests a significant amount of resources for a defensive purpose too easily circumvented. Considering that Armagio must first be played for 5

, wait one turn and then use a further 1

in order to use its skill for a limited, proactive 25maxHP increase, one could argue that despite the card advantage and the fact that Armagio is proactive, the use of 2 Heals has more benefits due to the fact that it counters all reductions of HP, not just physical creature sources.
Armagio by itself is clearly a defensive tool in Gravity's arsenal but when used Catapult, another Gravity card, it is one of the element's best offenses. That said, we must also consider that Gravity as an element does not have cheap cards. Decreasing the cost could better balance it, however it might not be the most suitable fix for a Gravity card.
I think increasing the HP of Armagio by 5 and increasing the ATK of Elite Armagio to 3 might make for a more suitable fix. Armagio becomes more of a defensive and offensive threat while Elite Armagio becomes an attacker worth its price, and with adren, one which will make you think twice before sacrificing it.