[02:46:30] Higurashi:

makes you happy because it's an element that reaches for the impossible at all times. <3
[02:46:30] Appa: 15 is my highest score
[02:46:52] DrunkDestroyer: Perfect! My problem is that I have too many cookies!
[02:46:54] Teaisgood: sweet
[02:47:06] Higurashi: It's also the worst element at rushing, monowise, if that's what you mean with aggro, but that's not a problem. :>
[02:47:14] Teaisgood: Dun worreh, *Saves DD from cookies*
[02:47:28] Thatnewguy: Time is pretty bad.
[02:47:37] pikachufan2164: Mono-Aether is generally very control-based, zyz
[02:47:41] Dragoon1140: Time is still the worst at rushing, yes.
[02:47:42] Appa: WTF
[02:47:59] Higurashi: Nah, Precogs makes it quite a bit faster, but very unstable.
[02:47:59] Dragoon1140: Aether at least has Phase Spider. Time has, what, GotP?
[02:48:02] Teaisgood: time rush lol
[02:48:03] Appa: how do people finish the game in 1 minute?
[02:48:08] Higurashi: Aether won't break under CC.
[02:48:12] pikachufan2164: (The only real exception is Fractal Ball Lightning, and that sort of fails)
[02:48:14] Thatnewguy: Not yet drag.
[02:48:16] Kuroaitou: It might get better with the introduction of Ghost of the Past though.
[02:48:27] Higurashi: Fractal Spiders isn't slow, nor is Spiders+PU+Fractal Sparks.
[02:48:31] Thatnewguy: TU phase recluse is pretty damn fast.
[02:48:34] Dragoon1140: Even so, Kuro, GotP is still a tad too expensive.
[02:48:39] Thatnewguy: Not gonna lie.
[02:48:49] Kuroaitou: Yeah, true.
[02:48:51] Higurashi: Ghost will make it even faster. Will be awesome for Time. <3
[02:49:18] Teaisgood: i feel bad that the controll element tanked
[02:49:23] Higurashi: Oh, upped it's no contest. Time loses by far.
[02:49:26] Dragoon1140: Our poor friend Anubis needs some love though.
[02:49:33] Kuroaitou: Control element?
[02:49:39] Higurashi: Until they get Ghosts..
[02:49:40] Kuroaitou: Bah, forget Anubis.
[02:49:46] DrunkDestroyer: Remove Quint and Aether nymph. Replace with new card.
[02:49:55] Teaisgood: GoTP isn't beeing considered for control.
[02:49:55] DrunkDestroyer: Anubis becomes cool again!
[02:49:59] Kuroaitou: Fix Turquoise Nymph's ability to be less expensive, then Anubis can be given a different ability.
[02:50:07] guest-7524: Like this deck?
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,20440.msg277571#msg277571[02:50:09] Teaisgood: well, less than other stuff
[02:50:11] Higurashi: ^
[02:50:27] Higurashi: Or an ability of any other type, such as.. oh I dunno, death?
[02:50:36] Higurashi: Crazy talk, eh?
[02:50:46] Zblader: ...*reads chat history* Interesting.
[02:50:46] Teaisgood: sig deck?
[02:51:05] Dragoon1140: Why not just change Quint?
[02:51:13] Higurashi: Early on the most prominent god of Death, Anubis.
[02:51:23] Zblader: because immaterial is badly needed.
[02:51:25] DrunkDestroyer: Remove Quintessense, create new Aether Alchemy card. Problem solved.
[02:51:27] guest-7524: [02:48:27] Higurashi: Fractal Spiders isn't slow, nor is Spiders+PU+Fractal Sparks.
[02:51:32] zyz1: lol
[02:51:33] Zblader: for some decks anyway.
[02:51:35] guest-7524: Why i linked that
[02:51:51] Dragoon1140: DrunkD, I have to agree with you. Quint is the root of all problems.
[02:51:53] Zblader: ^

because is awesome.
[02:52:02] Dragoon1140: Well, the root of this problem, at least.
[02:52:03] Zblader: ... chat lag.
[02:52:05] Higurashi: Quint is awesome. It really embodies the generosity of the divine element. <3
[02:52:11] Legit: Anyone know a song about gluttony?
[02:52:25] RootRanger: 1140, you mean root is a quinted problem?

[02:52:27] Zblader: Anyway, is the problem being that Anubis is no longer awesome?
[02:52:29] DrunkDestroyer: Get rid of quint, and Lobo will be awesome again (well, more awesome)
[02:52:33] Higurashi: It's not really a problem in PvP though.
[02:52:34] Thatnewguy: I thought fractal was the root of all problems......
[02:52:37] Dragoon1140: Four Horsemen by Metallica, Legit.
[02:52:42] Zblader: ^was.
[02:52:45] pikachufan2164: @Legit
[02:52:56] Zblader: ..... chat god = hate mes.
[02:52:56] Higurashi: I personally find the fact that Anubis is the only creature that does a Nymph's job to be the most disturbing.
[02:52:57] guest-7524: So anyone wanna duel?
[02:53:04] Legit: lol nom nom nom
[02:53:05] Dragoon1140: pikachufan, yes!
[02:53:08] Legit: Thanks DRagoon
[02:53:08] Higurashi: Change him and I'm happy.
[02:53:10] guest-7524: I agree Higurashi
[02:53:21] Zblader: hmm, true.
[02:53:25] Zblader: but it's duo element.
[02:53:26] Dragoon1140: Marisa, it does the job horribly and more bad-ly.
[02:53:28] Legit: you know what, I think I'll use that one
[02:53:31] Legit: the nom nom nom
[02:53:43] Zblader: What Dragoon said.
[02:53:43] Higurashi: Nope, does it better than the Nymph.
[02:53:46] guest-7524: Its unfair how its not only creature to do it, and not best at that
[02:53:52] Higurashi: Which is even more disturbing.
[02:54:06] Dragoon1140: Even better: Quint does it better than both.
[02:54:07] Zblader: .... guest, I have a bad feeling I got it right this time.
[02:54:12] Teaisgood: u can just splash aether in time. aether nymph takes quanta from skill pool
[02:54:17] Zblader: but nevermind, Anubis is worse.
[02:54:32] Zblader: while cheaper in ability cost, you must splash time in.
[02:54:37] Higurashi: Quint isn't a problem for me since it doesn't affect PvP. For FG's, it's a problem due to bad FG's like Neptune.
[02:54:42] Thatnewguy: *sigh*
[02:55:04] Zblader: Hence why it sucks.
[02:55:10] Zblader: Anubis that is.
[02:55:28] Thatnewguy: Anubis > aether nymph.
[02:55:30] Dragoon1140: Why buff everything else when you can just change the card that's causing the problem?
[02:55:30] Zblader: although there is a point for sure - it's not rare.
[02:55:43] Higurashi: Yep, and I don't mind. Nightmare sucks too.
[02:55:59] DrunkDestroyer: Dragoon1140 is right. Now let's not argue
[02:56:02] Zblader: I agree. Anubis needs a change.
[02:56:06] Higurashi: Buff? No, Anubis just needs to change.
[02:56:15] Dragoon1140: Peace and love, DrunkD. Welcome to the club.

[02:56:16] Zblader: ^thisplz.
[02:56:24] Zblader: ... argh, friking chat lag!
[02:56:28] Vyrys_Complex: wtb more farms in T50
[02:56:34] DrunkDestroyer: Oh, I wouldn't suggest not arguing if I hadn't had the last word
[02:56:43] Thatnewguy: >.<
[02:56:46] Zblader: ...love how i managed to jump into this debate.
[02:56:53] guest-7524: Anubis new ability suggestion= for

kill target creature
[02:56:59] Zblader: ^no.
[02:57:04] guest-7524: *with under 4 health*
[02:57:05] Thatnewguy: No.
[02:57:09] DrunkDestroyer: 7524 - No
[02:57:13] Zblader: nice try.
[02:57:19] Dragoon1140: Than it is much weaker than a plain upgraded Otyugh, guest.
[02:57:29] Zblader: ^thisplz.
[02:57:29] DrunkDestroyer: Death cannot ever get an insta-kill card. Never.
[02:57:30] Thatnewguy: Then oty > anubis.
[02:57:47] Zblader: anyway, I think it should still be related to Aether somehow still.
[02:57:52] guest-7524: Death benefits more from this
[02:57:53] pikachufan2164:

-- Kill target creature with higher HP than attack power
[02:57:58] Zblader: Anubis is a an ancient egyptian god after all.
[02:57:59] guest-7524: whiel oty is just CC
[02:58:03] pikachufan2164: Reverse Maxwell's

[02:58:14] Zblader: lol Pika.
[02:58:17] DrunkDestroyer: HP is defense. HP is supposed to always be a Buff
[02:58:25] pikachufan2164: Call it judgment :3
[02:58:31] DrunkDestroyer: Play Anubis vs Gravity. Win.
[02:58:34] guest-7524: Im a guest, you cant blame me for being stupid
[02:58:35] Thatnewguy: Guest, no. Anubis should not have a mini oty effect.
[02:58:42] Thatnewguy: Yes we can.
[02:58:46] Higurashi:
http://i.imgur.com/XUwut.jpg[02:58:46] RootRanger: i want anubis's ability to stay aether because most opposite elements have synergies
[02:58:50] Higurashi: Trololo
[02:58:56] Zblader: still, I don't think I want it to be death.
[02:59:01] Dragoon1140: Hehe.
[02:59:17] TimerClock14: heh
[02:59:22] Zblader: Anubis is a protector of the dead correct?
[02:59:27] Vyrys_Complex: AI just BB'd my photon.
[02:59:48] Kuroaitou: Blargh.
[02:59:54] Zblader: Maybe it's ability could be

- Guardian : Death Effects do not trigger this turn.
[02:59:59] Dragoon1140: It must have been a bad Photon then.
[03:00:10] TimerClock14: what are you blarghing about kuro?
[03:00:17] Appa: xdude should come on.
[03:00:17] Zblader: Blargh kuro:
[03:00:18] Zblader: ?
[03:00:35] guest-7524: Zblader that sounds good
[03:00:39] Ryan666: Wow appa, he won't be on for like 6 more hours or more.
[03:00:42] Zblader: Thanks guest
[03:00:42] guest-7524: Combines well with BoL
[03:00:46] guest-7524: *Blight
[03:01:06] guest-7524: making aether better vs death
[03:01:08] Appa: awww
[03:01:16] Teaisgood: BLights are my fav
[03:01:22] Thatnewguy: Depression sucks >.>
[03:01:22] guest-7524: Cause right now its one of its biggest weaknesses
[03:01:27] Zblader: what's Blight again?
[03:01:37] Ryan666: Ball lightning.
[03:01:39] Thatnewguy: Ball of lightning.
[03:01:39] DrunkDestroyer: Ok guys: new plan. I'm going out apparently. Cya all!
[03:01:42] pikachufan2164: Ball Lightning, Z
[03:01:53] Ryan666: I ish a ninja.
[03:01:56] Thatnewguy: Night.
[03:01:56] Wardead: Hey guys
[03:02:04] Kuroaitou: Hey Wardead
[03:02:05] Dragoon1140: Bye DrunkD.
[03:02:05] guest-7524: Bye DD
[03:02:07] Teaisgood: Hiya
[03:02:08] Ryan666: Night tng
[03:02:08] Wardead: Wow I just realized how noob-ish I was before >..
[03:02:11] Teaisgood: Bye DD
[03:02:14] Dragoon1140: Hello Wardead.
[03:02:22] Thatnewguy: Night to DD, not me.
[03:02:26] Vyrys_Complex: AI just used Gravity Pull on a Lava Golem it had BB'd earlier that I used a Rage Potion on
[03:02:26] Wardead: The Xenocider Is Back, Bye DD, Hai Kuro, Drag, Tea
[03:02:34] zyz1: i dont think aether is my golem
[03:02:39] Teaisgood: inetersting
[03:02:49] zyz1: element*
[03:02:53] Zblader: Hi wardead.
[03:02:56] Appa: D:
[03:03:01] Zblader: anyway, so what's going to happen to anubis then?
[03:03:19] Wardead: How in the world did a typo make element into golem? O.O
[03:03:28] guest-7524: Zblader put it in suggestions?
[03:03:29] Wardead: Hi Zbla
[03:03:33] Zblader: LOL.
[03:03:56] Zblader: ... I swear, chat god hates me.
[03:04:12] BPAV: hey all
[03:04:18] Zblader: hi BP.
[03:04:27] Wardead: Hai BPA
[03:04:29] Zblader: guys, would this ability be treated as a nerf or a buff?
[03:04:36] Teaisgood: t50 god hates me <<<< keeps fighting CCYB and other FG decks
[03:04:52] Teaisgood: but good fg decks, not bad ones
[03:04:59] Zblader: Or is it just a change to anubis?
[03:05:04] Kuroaitou: Call it a buff.
[03:05:14] zyz1: lol..
[03:05:17] Zblader: alright then, buff it is.
[03:05:20] Kuroaitou: Given its less-than-optimal usage in decks.