Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Game Suggestions and Feedback => Buff This Card! => Topic started by: ZephyrPhantom on January 30, 2011, 03:26:23 am

Title: [Official] Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on January 30, 2011, 03:26:23 am

First, the little debate that inspired this thread about our favorite jackal.
[02:46:30] Higurashi:  :aether  makes you happy because it's an element that reaches for the impossible at all times. <3
[02:46:30] Appa: 15 is my highest score
[02:46:52] DrunkDestroyer: Perfect! My problem is that I have too many cookies!
[02:46:54] Teaisgood: sweet
[02:47:06] Higurashi: It's also the worst element at rushing, monowise, if that's what you mean with aggro, but that's not a problem. :>
[02:47:14] Teaisgood: Dun worreh, *Saves DD from cookies*
[02:47:28] Thatnewguy: Time is pretty bad.
[02:47:37] pikachufan2164: Mono-Aether is generally very control-based, zyz
[02:47:41] Dragoon1140: Time is still the worst at rushing, yes.
[02:47:42] Appa: WTF
[02:47:59] Higurashi: Nah, Precogs makes it quite a bit faster, but very unstable.
[02:47:59] Dragoon1140: Aether at least has Phase Spider. Time has, what, GotP?
[02:48:02] Teaisgood: time rush lol
[02:48:03] Appa: how do people finish the game in 1 minute?
[02:48:08] Higurashi: Aether won't break under CC.
[02:48:12] pikachufan2164: (The only real exception is Fractal Ball Lightning, and that sort of fails)
[02:48:14] Thatnewguy: Not yet drag.
[02:48:16] Kuroaitou: It might get better with the introduction of Ghost of the Past though.
[02:48:27] Higurashi: Fractal Spiders isn't slow, nor is Spiders+PU+Fractal Sparks.
[02:48:31] Thatnewguy: TU phase recluse is pretty damn fast.
[02:48:34] Dragoon1140: Even so, Kuro, GotP is still a tad too expensive.
[02:48:39] Thatnewguy: Not gonna lie.
[02:48:49] Kuroaitou: Yeah, true.
[02:48:51] Higurashi: Ghost will make it even faster. Will be awesome for Time. <3
[02:49:18] Teaisgood: i feel bad that the controll element tanked
[02:49:23] Higurashi: Oh, upped it's no contest. Time loses by far.
[02:49:26] Dragoon1140: Our poor friend Anubis needs some love though.
[02:49:33] Kuroaitou: Control element?
[02:49:39] Higurashi: Until they get Ghosts..
[02:49:40] Kuroaitou: Bah, forget Anubis.
[02:49:46] DrunkDestroyer: Remove Quint and Aether nymph. Replace with new card.
[02:49:55] Teaisgood: GoTP isn't beeing considered for control.
[02:49:55] DrunkDestroyer: Anubis becomes cool again!
[02:49:59] Kuroaitou: Fix Turquoise Nymph's ability to be less expensive, then Anubis can be given a different  ability.
[02:50:07] guest-7524: Like this deck? http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,20440.msg277571#msg277571
[02:50:09] Teaisgood: well, less than other stuff
[02:50:11] Higurashi: ^
[02:50:27] Higurashi: Or an ability of any other type, such as.. oh I dunno, death?
[02:50:36] Higurashi: Crazy talk, eh?
[02:50:46] Zblader: ...*reads chat history* Interesting.
[02:50:46] Teaisgood: sig deck?
[02:51:05] Dragoon1140: Why not just change Quint?
[02:51:13] Higurashi: Early on the most prominent god of Death, Anubis.
[02:51:23] Zblader: because immaterial is badly needed.
[02:51:25] DrunkDestroyer: Remove Quintessense, create new Aether Alchemy card. Problem solved.
[02:51:27] guest-7524: [02:48:27] Higurashi: Fractal Spiders isn't slow, nor is Spiders+PU+Fractal Sparks.
[02:51:32] zyz1: lol
[02:51:33] Zblader: for some decks anyway.
[02:51:35] guest-7524: Why i linked that
[02:51:51] Dragoon1140: DrunkD, I have to agree with you. Quint is the root of all problems.
[02:51:53] Zblader: ^  :aether because  is awesome.
[02:52:02] Dragoon1140: Well, the root of this problem, at least.
[02:52:03] Zblader: ... chat lag.
[02:52:05] Higurashi: Quint is awesome. It really embodies the generosity of the divine element. <3
[02:52:11] Legit: Anyone know a song about gluttony?
[02:52:25] RootRanger: 1140, you mean root is a quinted problem? :P
[02:52:27] Zblader: Anyway, is the problem being that Anubis is no longer awesome?
[02:52:29] DrunkDestroyer: Get rid of quint, and Lobo will be awesome again (well, more awesome)
[02:52:33] Higurashi: It's not really a problem in PvP though.
[02:52:34] Thatnewguy: I thought fractal was the root of all problems......
[02:52:37] Dragoon1140: Four Horsemen by Metallica, Legit.
[02:52:42] Zblader: ^was.
[02:52:45] pikachufan2164: @Legit

[02:52:56] Zblader: ..... chat god = hate mes.
[02:52:56] Higurashi: I personally find the fact that Anubis is the only creature that does a Nymph's job to be the most disturbing.
[02:52:57] guest-7524: So anyone wanna duel?
[02:53:04] Legit: lol nom nom nom
[02:53:05] Dragoon1140: pikachufan, yes!
[02:53:08] Legit: Thanks DRagoon
[02:53:08] Higurashi: Change him and I'm happy.
[02:53:10] guest-7524: I agree Higurashi
[02:53:21] Zblader: hmm, true.
[02:53:25] Zblader: but it's duo element.
[02:53:26] Dragoon1140: Marisa, it does the job horribly and more bad-ly.
[02:53:28] Legit: you know what, I think I'll use that one
[02:53:31] Legit: the nom nom nom
[02:53:43] Zblader: What Dragoon said.
[02:53:43] Higurashi: Nope, does it better than the Nymph.
[02:53:46] guest-7524: Its unfair how its not only creature to do it, and not best at that
[02:53:52] Higurashi: Which is even more disturbing.
[02:54:06] Dragoon1140: Even better: Quint does it better than both.
[02:54:07] Zblader: .... guest, I have a bad feeling I got it right this time.
[02:54:12] Teaisgood: u can just splash aether in time. aether nymph takes quanta from skill pool
[02:54:17] Zblader: but nevermind, Anubis is worse.
[02:54:32] Zblader: while cheaper in ability cost, you must splash time in.
[02:54:37] Higurashi: Quint isn't a problem for me since it doesn't affect PvP. For FG's, it's a problem due to bad FG's like Neptune.
[02:54:42] Thatnewguy: *sigh*
[02:55:04] Zblader: Hence why it sucks.
[02:55:10] Zblader: Anubis that is.
[02:55:28] Thatnewguy: Anubis > aether nymph.
[02:55:30] Dragoon1140: Why buff everything else when you can just change the card that's causing the problem?
[02:55:30] Zblader: although there is a point for sure - it's not rare.
[02:55:43] Higurashi: Yep, and I don't mind. Nightmare sucks too.
[02:55:59] DrunkDestroyer: Dragoon1140 is right. Now let's not argue
[02:56:02] Zblader: I agree. Anubis needs a change.
[02:56:06] Higurashi: Buff? No, Anubis just needs to change.
[02:56:15] Dragoon1140: Peace and love, DrunkD. Welcome to the club. :D
[02:56:16] Zblader: ^thisplz.
[02:56:24] Zblader: ... argh, friking chat lag!
[02:56:28] Vyrys_Complex: wtb more farms in T50
[02:56:34] DrunkDestroyer: Oh, I wouldn't suggest not arguing if I hadn't had the last word
[02:56:43] Thatnewguy: >.<
[02:56:46] Zblader: ...love how i managed to jump into this debate.
[02:56:53] guest-7524: Anubis new ability suggestion= for   :death :death  kill target creature
[02:56:59] Zblader: ^no.
[02:57:04] guest-7524: *with under 4 health*
[02:57:05] Thatnewguy: No.
[02:57:09] DrunkDestroyer: 7524 - No
[02:57:13] Zblader: nice try.
[02:57:19] Dragoon1140: Than it is much weaker than a plain upgraded Otyugh, guest.
[02:57:29] Zblader: ^thisplz.
[02:57:29] DrunkDestroyer: Death cannot ever get an insta-kill card. Never.
[02:57:30] Thatnewguy: Then oty > anubis.
[02:57:47] Zblader: anyway, I think it should still be related to Aether somehow still.
[02:57:52] guest-7524: Death benefits more from this
[02:57:53] pikachufan2164:  :death :death  -- Kill target creature with higher HP than attack power
[02:57:58] Zblader: Anubis is a an ancient egyptian god after all.
[02:57:59] guest-7524: whiel oty is just CC
[02:58:03] pikachufan2164: Reverse Maxwell's :D
[02:58:14] Zblader: lol Pika.
[02:58:17] DrunkDestroyer: HP is defense. HP is supposed to always be a Buff
[02:58:25] pikachufan2164: Call it judgment :3
[02:58:31] DrunkDestroyer: Play Anubis vs Gravity. Win.
[02:58:34] guest-7524: Im a guest, you cant blame me for being stupid
[02:58:35] Thatnewguy: Guest, no. Anubis should not have a mini oty effect.
[02:58:42] Thatnewguy: Yes we can.
[02:58:46] Higurashi: http://i.imgur.com/XUwut.jpg
[02:58:46] RootRanger: i want anubis's ability to stay aether because most opposite elements have synergies
[02:58:50] Higurashi: Trololo
[02:58:56] Zblader: still, I don't think I want it to be death.
[02:59:01] Dragoon1140: Hehe.
[02:59:17] TimerClock14: heh
[02:59:22] Zblader: Anubis is a protector of the dead correct?
[02:59:27] Vyrys_Complex: AI just BB'd my photon.
[02:59:48] Kuroaitou: Blargh.
[02:59:54] Zblader: Maybe it's ability could be  :aether - Guardian : Death Effects do not trigger this turn.
[02:59:59] Dragoon1140: It must have been a bad Photon then.
[03:00:10] TimerClock14: what are you blarghing about kuro?
[03:00:17] Appa: xdude should come on.
[03:00:17] Zblader: Blargh kuro:
[03:00:18] Zblader: ?
[03:00:35] guest-7524: Zblader that sounds good
[03:00:39] Ryan666: Wow appa, he won't be on for like 6 more hours or more.
[03:00:42] Zblader: Thanks guest
[03:00:42] guest-7524: Combines well with BoL
[03:00:46] guest-7524: *Blight
[03:01:06] guest-7524: making aether better vs death
[03:01:08] Appa: awww
[03:01:16] Teaisgood: BLights are my fav
[03:01:22] Thatnewguy: Depression sucks >.>
[03:01:22] guest-7524: Cause right now its one of its biggest weaknesses
[03:01:27] Zblader: what's Blight again?
[03:01:37] Ryan666: Ball lightning.
[03:01:39] Thatnewguy: Ball of lightning.
[03:01:39] DrunkDestroyer: Ok guys: new plan. I'm going out apparently. Cya all!
[03:01:42] pikachufan2164: Ball Lightning, Z
[03:01:53] Ryan666: I ish a ninja.
[03:01:56] Thatnewguy: Night.
[03:01:56] Wardead: Hey guys
[03:02:04] Kuroaitou: Hey Wardead
[03:02:05] Dragoon1140: Bye DrunkD.
[03:02:05] guest-7524: Bye DD
[03:02:07] Teaisgood: Hiya
[03:02:08] Ryan666: Night tng
[03:02:08] Wardead: Wow I just realized how noob-ish I was before >..
[03:02:11] Teaisgood: Bye DD
[03:02:14] Dragoon1140: Hello Wardead.
[03:02:22] Thatnewguy: Night to DD, not me.
[03:02:26] Vyrys_Complex: AI just used Gravity Pull on a Lava Golem it had BB'd earlier that I used a Rage Potion on
[03:02:26] Wardead: The Xenocider Is Back, Bye DD, Hai Kuro, Drag, Tea
[03:02:34] zyz1: i dont think aether is my golem
[03:02:39] Teaisgood: inetersting
[03:02:49] zyz1: element*
[03:02:53] Zblader: Hi wardead.
[03:02:56] Appa: D:
[03:03:01] Zblader: anyway, so what's going to happen to anubis then?
[03:03:19] Wardead: How in the world did a typo make element into golem? O.O
[03:03:28] guest-7524: Zblader put it in suggestions?
[03:03:29] Wardead: Hi Zbla
[03:03:33] Zblader: LOL.
[03:03:56] Zblader: ... I swear, chat god hates me.
[03:04:12] BPAV: hey all
[03:04:18] Zblader: hi BP.
[03:04:27] Wardead: Hai BPA
[03:04:29] Zblader: guys, would this ability be treated as a nerf or a buff?
[03:04:36] Teaisgood: t50 god hates me <<<< keeps fighting CCYB and other FG decks
[03:04:52] Teaisgood: but good fg decks, not bad ones
[03:04:59] Zblader: Or is it just a change to anubis?
[03:05:04] Kuroaitou: Call it a buff.
[03:05:14] zyz1: lol..
[03:05:17] Zblader: alright then, buff it is.
[03:05:20] Kuroaitou: Given its less-than-optimal usage in decks.

Anyway,  on to the main point. Anubis is pretty underused these days in the game because there are two other cards that do it's job much better, Aether Nymph and Quintessence. After tossing a few possibilities around, I came up with this idea for a buff:

 " :aether : Guardian - Death effects are not triggered this turn."

The reason I feel this works is because Anubis is the guardian of the dead, and he doesn't want  :death elementals walking all over his realm corrupting souls. Also, it would make a good counter to death trigger cards, as well as giving the card a niche to fill that currently isn'toccupied by another card.

Please discuss.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: Nepycros on January 30, 2011, 03:36:35 am
Anubis is a tricky character. Well, stopping death effects for one turn is pretty much based on the prevention of any :death based strategy, so I'm against it, seeing as how it nullifies an entire elemental strategy which is the cornerstone of the element in question.

My opinion is that this guy should be allowed to "Harbor" souls. :death Harbor: The next creature that dies adds half its attack to Anubis for one turn" sounds about right, don'cha think?
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: Ryan666 on January 30, 2011, 03:37:00 am
I think that the cost of it needs to be moved down to like :time 6 because it's so expensive that no one uses him.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: RootRanger on January 30, 2011, 03:39:20 am
It is unfair that only the Aether nymph has its ability shared by another card. Additionally, I don't think I almost never see Anubises (Anubi?) in PvP. I think it should have some new ability, but not one that doesn't nerf four perfectly fine death cards.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: Dragoon1140 on January 30, 2011, 03:41:14 am
Anubis is just fine as a card.  The only problem is Quintessence, which is better than both Aether Nymph and Anubis.

My solution:  Change Quintessence to have a different effect and Anubis will see some use again.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: Time_lord_victorius on January 30, 2011, 03:53:55 am
actually anubis is the god that accompanies the dead toward the next life and protects them from harmful spirits in the egyptian religion if i'm right of course. so here's the effect i propose. deathward :life :for one turn,if the target creature dies , it does not activate death related abilities (such as soulcatcher, vulture, boneyard, etc)

of course i have another idea.  soul warden: :aether :aether : any damage dealt to targeted creature is redirected to anubis for one turn. of course that would mean making anubis a little more tanky. maybe like a 5/10.

thats what i got so far
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: Time_lord_victorius on January 30, 2011, 03:55:39 am
Anubis is just fine as a card.  The only problem is Quintessence, which is better than both Aether Nymph and Anubis.

My solution:  Change Quintessence to have a different effect and Anubis will see some use again.
ah, there's a problem there. nymphs are the living reprensentation of the alchemy potions. change the potion and you need to change the nymph. it's anubis that needs to change.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: OldTrees on January 30, 2011, 03:56:34 am
Quint is better than Anubis because Quint on a stick does not provide enough uses to be worth the cost.
Two solutions
Decrease the cost for the skill/creature to account for the limited worthy targets
Increase the average number of worthy targets
Change the effect

Three solutions
Decrease the cost for the skill/creature to account for the limited worthy targets
Increase the average number of worthy targets
Change the effect
Reduce Stat value and Cost to make a cheaper vehicle for the Quint on a stick

Four Solutions
Decrease the cost for the skill/creature to account for the limited worthy targets
Increase the average number of worthy targets
Change the effect
Reduce Stat value and Cost to make a cheaper vehicle for the Quint on a stick

ok no fifth idea.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: Hyroen on January 30, 2011, 04:12:05 am
How about:

:death :death Embalm: Upon death of target creature, apply 2 poison counters on its enemy.

Appears as a tiny ankh (http://tibia.looki.de/images/items/147.gif) on the creature.

Pseudo-immortality anyone?
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: Dragoon1140 on January 30, 2011, 04:12:40 am
ah, there's a problem there. nymphs are the living reprensentation of the alchemy potions. change the potion and you need to change the nymph.
That's the point I'm trying to make.  Aether Nymph is considered weak because Quintessence is so much better, and, thus, Anubis is considered weak because Quintessence and Aether Nymph just does it better.

As I said in that chat log in the OP, why buff everything else when one can just change the problem?
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: Glitch on January 30, 2011, 04:47:19 am
Honestly, I'd make the ability more expensive and the creature cheaper, strengthen the mono but weaken the duo.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: Uppercut on January 30, 2011, 05:37:09 am
If there was no problem with Anubis then there should be no need to retcon it now. Powercreep happened, thats all. Its healthy.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: wizelsnarf on January 30, 2011, 05:47:09 am
Anubis is a fine card that you will occasionally see in play.

The Aether nymph is a mono so you can't compare it.

The only real "issue" I have with anubis is how much it cost to play it. The problem is you have to get the quanta, play it, quint itself and then go on to quint what you wanted in the first place.

In any case, it is a way cheaper way to get quint in a big rainbow and it sees use there.

The only reason the card seems weak now is because of Ghost of the Past.

Anubis WAS time's mid range attacker (not that he saw a lot of action in that capacity) but now he has more valuable competition.

In the end I think it could stand to stay as it is. If people want to buff, just decreasing the card cost should be sufficient.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: DrunkDestroyer on January 30, 2011, 10:16:27 pm
Anubis is just fine as a card.  The only problem is Quintessence, which is better than both Aether Nymph and Anubis.

My solution:  Change Quintessence to have a different effect and Anubis will see some use again.
QFT. There aren't enough effects which I know how to use to emphasise that.

Quintessence is uncounterable. There is no delay, in which you could react and nullify the threat. It was a slap in the face for control decks everywhere.
There were 11 original alchemy cards. Make the 12th an original idea for aether, and surprise, Anubis sees use, the game becomes more balanced, and we get a cool new card.

You just had to start the 'debate' there, my cookies comment seems stupid and irrelevant, intstead of a discussion of human fragility, the various beauties of nature and modern literature and scripture, and it's effects on today's scoceity - which is /so/ was.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: killybob on January 30, 2011, 10:46:44 pm
i don't think the Anubis needs any new abilities. all i think should happen is it's health and attack lowered (this is because, wielding the ability to make itself nearly invulnerable, it really does not need to be that tank like), and it's price reduced substantially (perhaps to cost only 4 or 5 or something). this will make it HUGELY more usable while avoiding making it OP. also i saw (and see) no reason to have that much health or attack as it was hardly gonna be used in  a rush or anything.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: cookiepirate on January 30, 2011, 11:00:57 pm
anubis the idea is pretty strong
but 8  :time ?
i voted for less cost, me thinks 6 should be just right
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: killybob on January 30, 2011, 11:11:34 pm
yeah. you do want anubis to be placed on the field pretty quickly to protect your important creatures. if the cost were lowered then the card would become considerably more usable in rainbows as well.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: Time_lord_victorius on January 31, 2011, 08:52:35 pm
i really like to see anubis revamped with a new ability like a posted earlier. it needs to follow the fact that...he is a god. a god of death. also i can't stop noticing how death is having such a rework and more ideas and why people contribute to it more than lets say fire of time. but this ain't the question, the fact is that anubis needs either a new ability or a complete rework but no way do i want to see quintescence and aether nymph be touched because they are fine with me the way they are. quintescence is more useful at times, but when you got your quintescence, but cant play it because you've been silenced and there's impemding doom upon your win condition creature. here come aether nymph to the rescue (if you have it) but other wise you need anubis. but thing is , anubis is a big target for any deck to hit and destroy. therefore anubis needs a new job and aether nymph needs more health cuz she is honestly VERY frail
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: Nadrin on February 16, 2011, 12:38:24 am
Stopping death affects: would this mean nothing dies? if so:

rage pots + fire dragons. I realize it would be a trio but.... You see my point, hopefully.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: TheIdioticIdiot on February 16, 2011, 05:07:45 pm
actually, only quint does the job better (in most cases)
anubis beats the nymph by several miles...
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: Nepycros on February 16, 2011, 09:33:50 pm
My opinion is that this guy should be allowed to "Harbor" souls. :death Harbor: The next creature that dies adds half its attack to Anubis for one turn" sounds about right, don'cha think?
I'd at least like this to be in the polls, since it seems noone has even noticed it.

I think that you could just make him a mid-attack vanilla creature. Not a problem, right? Decent :time attack card, and one that would certainly need a cost reduc...

Just an opinion.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: Siweisun on March 02, 2011, 09:33:34 pm
This card needs a buff, since the nymph is mono and does it way better. Also, the art might need to be changed; why is he holding a golden posiden?
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: TheIdioticIdiot on March 02, 2011, 09:35:44 pm
This card needs a buff, since the nymph is mono and does it way better. Also, the art might need to be changed; why is he holding a golden posiden?
what have you been smoking lately?
anubis > nymph...

nymph is mono? what is worth quinting in mono aether? phase recluse? I think I prefer to either TU or fractal it... (if you quint it, you can't do either)
anubis's ability costs less too... can run solely on just the mark
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: Daytripper on March 03, 2011, 09:52:27 am
If you check the stats, this creature costs almost nothing. 5 attack, high HP, and an ability. It's the combination of everything that makes it expensive. Anubis is a natural target. People play it for the ability, so of course they don't want to pay that amount of  :time for it if there is a risk it gets hit.

The high HP makes perfect sense. It needs to make it through the first turn, and you don't want to die early by a shield either. So I see 2 ways to solve it, but it's no real buf.

Take the ability off and reduce cost, and make it a plain attacker. (Too bad if you ask me)

Lower attack and the cost accordingly, (-2 or -3) so people play it for the ability without the risk of a big loss.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: killybob on March 05, 2011, 04:47:38 pm
like i've said before, what's the point in the anubis having attack and hp as high as that? 5 damage is too much cos you're not gonna use anubis for a rush and why 8 hp when you're quite likely gonna quint it pretty fast. reduce the damage to 2 or 3 and take it's hp down to 4 or 5 and that should make the cost around 5 or 6 instead of it's rather heft 8. you could get out 8x2 deja-vus (ignoring card amount limits) which will total in a higher attack and will be harder to kill off.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: Crowbarofjustice on March 19, 2011, 12:54:50 am
i think his costs and stats should be changed
ether change stats to 6/8 or change cost to 6
it only needs to be changed a little bit, I have been trying to make a deck that can put Anubis to good use for awhile now but its hard, his time cost is too high i am leaning to change cost to 6
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: tiebearius on March 19, 2011, 01:37:06 am
This may sound stupid, But why not remove cost and replace with>" All creatures that come into play have a 25% chance to become immortal." 
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: purple nite on March 21, 2011, 06:26:32 am
I love this card but i i'm a newby.and this card is great for those who are just starting out.Because i can use him many times with my fallen druid.The cost is very high on front game but to use him is low. the nymph and quintessence my be better cards but quin i can only use 6 times in one game and nymph i have to win. anubis can make decker faster cause 1 or 2 is all you need if u dont have nymph.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: Essence on March 21, 2011, 12:33:47 pm
I've got a brilliant solution that will make Anubis instantly popular.

" :aether - Target creature's mortality status switches.  This ability can target immortal creatures."

Bam, done, you like it, you call me, you know where I am.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: Kaos. on March 21, 2011, 04:04:06 pm
Honestly, I'd make the ability more expensive and the creature cheaper, strengthen the mono but weaken the duo.
I agree. Ability cost 3|2 and creature cost 6|6.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: AnoverX on March 27, 2011, 03:44:03 pm
buff?? lol. only  :aether to make a creature immaterial, aether nymph just wanna kill herself.

this card shouldnt even EXIST.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on March 27, 2011, 04:23:23 pm
buff?? lol. only  :aether to make a creature immaterial, aether nymph just wanna kill herself.

this card shouldnt even EXIST.
This card requires time quantum and therefore a duo, but costs just as much to play the nymph.
Even with a slightly higher ability cost, Nymph also has higher attack, and is mono  :aether .
Quint costs less than either of the two and doesn't have to wait 1 turn.

Anubis is overall the weakest of three.

" :aether - Target creature's mortality status switches.  This ability can target immortal creatures."
This sounds interesting as it might give Anubis a niche to counter immaterial creatures.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: killybob on March 27, 2011, 04:37:45 pm
This sounds interesting as it might give Anubis a niche to counter immaterial creatures.
agreed. we really don't want too many creatures and spells that can dish out quints. quintessence has already been said to be OP by some and i think it would be about time that something could override it.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: Time_lord_victorius on March 27, 2011, 06:28:01 pm
I've got a brilliant solution that will make Anubis instantly popular.

" :aether - Target creature's mortality status switches.  This ability can target immortal creatures."

Bam, done, you like it, you call me, you know where I am.
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: Jappert on March 27, 2011, 06:57:58 pm
" :aether - Target creature's mortality status switches.  This ability can target immortal creatures."

Bam, done, you like it, you call me, you know where I am.
Great idea! But I'd like it even better on the aether-nymph actually, since it's more like a buff. Why would you want to counter the only card with your name in it though...

Can I call you now?
Title: Re: Anubis | Anubis
Post by: silux on March 28, 2011, 04:12:03 pm
Again;Anubis Should Cost Less.

It's expensive also in time-aether and time doesn't have great creatures to quint.
I vote for 6 :time and stats like 3|5 :D
Title: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: Contrary on October 12, 2011, 02:48:48 am
(http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101106193130/elementsthegame/images/2/26/Anubis.png) (http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100701103025/elementsthegame/images/8/87/EliteAnubis.png)

Anubis is kind of redundant with Quint and Aether Nymphs. Even if it wasn't it would still suck. Crazy expensive, requires a weird duo, low damage high ability cost.

I think that thematically Anubis needs to keep its anti CC theme, being a protector of sorts. Single creature protection won't work since Aether has that covered. I think the way to go is mass CC protection.

My idea: Make it so that when Anubis is on the field, no other card may be targeted until Anubis is destroyed. Its health could be tweaked as well. This way you could protect every creature but not as powerfully as a mass Quint. You still need to fire a couple Owl Eye shots or a Reverse Time before you could get at the other creatures. Powerful, but balanced out with Anubis' high cost and low damage.

It could even be activated or toggled at a cost of Aether if you want to keep the duo.
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: Bleys295 on October 12, 2011, 03:18:41 am
By your logic then, Anubis+Quint= all creatures untagetable? Broken. Needs the stay as is.
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: furballdn on October 12, 2011, 04:02:05 am
Cheaper cost or more damage would be nice. I don't really need a reusable quint most of the time, and 8 :time for 5 damage is a bit underwhelming.
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: Jaymanfu on October 12, 2011, 06:10:14 am
It kind of did get a buff with the SoR change. Can play it then SoR it, quint it and another creature.
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: Contrary on October 12, 2011, 06:40:00 am
@Bleys295 Obviously I don't intend to make that a possibility. But even then, would that really be that broken? Not that many decks rely on killing your opponent's creatures, and mono aether has got invincible creature spam covered pretty well. I think that having an expensive two card combo in a weird duo just to have untargetable creatures could have been done by the usual mono aether for a lesser cost in a more consistent, streamlined deck.
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: omegareaper7 on October 12, 2011, 01:51:42 pm
@Bleys295 Obviously I don't intend to make that a possibility. But even then, would that really be that broken? Not that many decks rely on killing your opponent's creatures, and mono aether has got invincible creature spam covered pretty well. I think that having an expensive two card combo in a weird duo just to have untargetable creatures could have been done by the usual mono aether for a lesser cost in a more consistent, streamlined deck.
A lot of decks do however rely on targeting creatures.
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: OldTrees on October 12, 2011, 02:18:46 pm
It kind of did get a buff with the SoR change. Can play it then SoR it, quint it and another creature.
Important recent buff ^

Aether has a Mono Immortal Immortalizer for 12 :aether|11 :aether + 2 cards and  :aether :aether :aether activation cost.
Now Time has a Mono Immortal Immortalizier for 8 :time + 5 :rainbow|3 :rainbow + 2 cards and 0 activation cost.
I prefer Time's version.
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: BluePriest on October 12, 2011, 03:51:22 pm
It kind of did get a buff with the SoR change. Can play it then SoR it, quint it and another creature.
Important recent buff ^

Aether has a Mono Immortal Immortalizer for 12 :aether|11 :aether + 2 cards and  :aether :aether :aether activation cost.
Now Time has a Mono Immortal Immortalizier for 8 :time + 5 :rainbow|3 :rainbow + 2 cards and 0 activation cost.
I prefer Time's version.
Agreed. Anubis is much more powerful with the SoR buff. No change is needed. If anything, i think its quite powerful (although not nerf worthy)
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: Contrary on October 12, 2011, 06:05:16 pm
Derp forgot about that shard trash. Nvm.
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: RRQJ on October 12, 2011, 06:10:18 pm
I was always under the impression that anubis was better than the nymph.  It was always one of the points made for why the nymph needs a buff/change or anubis needs a nerf/change.
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: OldTrees on October 12, 2011, 07:11:24 pm
I was always under the impression that anubis was better than the nymph.  It was always one of the points made for why the nymph needs a buff/change or anubis needs a nerf/change.
Depends on who you asked. Nymph fans though Nymph needed to be buffed relative to Anubis and vice versa.
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: stewie on October 15, 2011, 03:08:46 pm
Maybe -1 quantum cost it will be ok, or 2...
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: Phaser on October 20, 2011, 03:39:26 am
Any body notice it's holding a golden trident and it has the Aether's ALCHEMY SPELL?
I agree that it should provide mass creature control but anubis can't be quinted if it ever gets to do it.
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: lightmage5 on November 27, 2012, 08:35:58 pm
What about it being able to quint for a cost of 3  :rainbow , this way mono time could acctually run its own card.
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: OldTrees on November 27, 2012, 08:40:59 pm
What about it being able to quint for a cost of 3  :rainbow , this way mono time could acctually run its own card.
Anubis + Shard of Readiness = Quint only needing  :time quanta.
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: Miatpi2 on September 09, 2013, 09:33:23 am
I've a suggestion for buffing Anubis. What about making Anubis able to not only make creatures Immortal but also REMOVE immortality as well.  ;D I think it would cost  1 :aether more than to give immortality ( :aether :aether :aether for the un-upgraded Anubis and  :aether :aether for Elite Anubis).

I love the idea of giving Anubis full control over life,being able to give immortality and remove immortality,  which I guess is the point with him.
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: serprex on September 09, 2013, 01:21:23 pm
Difficulty in split cost based on target. Otherwise Anubis is the right place for removing immaterial status if there is one (press the oppositeness of :aether :time, differentiate more from Turquoise Nymph)

Annoying to use effectively: :time's CC will have Immortals and Phase Dragons back with their immaterialness next turn. At least it allows for clogging opponents draw, which could be used to break a dim shield chain given Eternity
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: Tsmuji on September 09, 2013, 03:05:50 pm
I've a suggestion for buffing Anubis. What about making Anubis able to not only make creatures Immortal but also REMOVE immortality as well.

I really like that idea, it seems a lot more niche than giving immortality so I'm not sure I agree that it should cost more but like I said, I love the idea.
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: Miatpi2 on October 07, 2013, 04:42:54 pm
About my last suggestion (about letting Anubis remove immortality as well) I think, in case Anubis will have that effect, it would be easier to make the immortality-removing effect as a part of the existing one. So if you target a creature without immortality it will gain immortality and an already immortal creature would lose its immortality.
It would be more simple, and I don't know how you would choose which of the skills to activate.

However, I hope you share the same excitement about the remove-immortality idea as I do.  ;D
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: aristalis on December 12, 2013, 10:34:27 pm
About my last suggestion (about letting Anubis remove immortality as well) I think, in case Anubis will have that effect, it would be easier to make the immortality-removing effect as a part of the existing one. So if you target a creature without immortality it will gain immortality and an already immortal creature would lose its immortality.
It would be more simple, and I don't know how you would choose which of the skills to activate.

However, I hope you share the same excitement about the remove-immortality idea as I do.  ;D

Yeah I've never seen this card used in a best arena deck. This'd be really good. And it'd make Lionheart actually hard to kill, if he unquinted then rewound his creatures before he decked.
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: Blacksmith on April 27, 2014, 07:44:06 pm
I think that the problem with Anubis is that it's to expensive, you can't afford to play it in the decks you want it. I suggest reducing cost of the unupped to 4 :time and make it a 1-3 with the same ability and the upped to a 2-4 for 4 :time.
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: Vangelios on April 27, 2014, 08:00:33 pm
Would be effective if it come into play quinted
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: dragonsdemesne on April 27, 2014, 08:39:11 pm
Would be effective if it come into play quinted

It would, but with 8hp, it's already pretty tough to kill; I don't think that's why anubis sees little play.  The reason I rarely use it is that it's quite expensive to play, and even then, you have to be using both time and aether elements.  It isn't like flesh spider or something, where it is still a cost effective creature even without ever using its ability; at 5/8 for 8, if you aren't using its ability, you're overpaying for the creature.  Blacksmith's idea would definitely make it more playable; I'm not sure if it would become overpowered in that case.

The other thing that makes anubis less attractive than some other dual element cards is that there are multiple ways to do the same thing.  There's quintessence, turquoise nymph, cloak, or even burrow to choose from.
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: Bluie Gamer on April 28, 2014, 07:35:15 am
They should lessen it's cost even by 1 quanta. I mean, sure, in duos or trios or rainbows, it could work as a form of immortalization, but come on! There are some cheaper, but not long term, alternatives to that. Also, by lessening it's quanta cost, we could finally make quite a nice attacker in mono-Time. Seriously, in terms of mono-Time decks, GotP is better.
Title: Re: Anubis | Elite Anubis
Post by: Aneninen on May 16, 2014, 06:33:07 am
(1) Cost should be lowered a bit, otherwise no change.

(2) The Remove Immortality ability is interesting, even if due to the gameplay the cost must be the same as giving immortality. However, an Anubis + Shard of Readiness + Eternity combo might be a hard counter against all the mono  :aether decks... I can't decide whether it's good or bad.