Arum came with N|N concept, while idea for second skill was sharpened by Drake_XIV.
About vanilla: there should be unique card that fits all vanilla decks, payed by "6 quantum of your mark", non-rare card, skill: none.
About 1 cost reduction: that is simple, unoriginal, but actually might be good in practice. It IS a buff - by definition. I guess that upped version wont get same buff =OP2. So instead of any synergies, it will do mono rushes as it did so far - more or less successful. Up side - antimatter is expensive, dragons as well, dissipation shield consumes quanta, so players would save 1 quantum per played Abomination. So I can't deny that -1 buff idea is good in unupped enviroment.
Down-side: Will he do anything besides mono-rush? Ok, I agree - immolation- card for (almost only) one game style, and you see abomination like one gamestyle card too. But fire rush got Shard of Bravery now, and entropy rush wont benefit that much as fire IMMO because of -1 cost of abomination. So changes in game are happening on meta/mechanics levels, and we act like "simple" changes will make a big difference. And both of us know that right now new RULE-BENDING cards are being crafted while we are thinking and talking within a box. Are creative rule-bender ideas even allowed to us "mortals"?
Pretty soon, 70% of all the cards we own will become obsolete and useless. Balance to me means that you can take any card there is in this game and make a good deck around it. Not a deck that contains it as a dead card, but a good, effective deck that can win FG, or an opponent. And we know that FG killers, PVP decks always have cards from very small subset of set of all cards, and that most of the other cards only slow you down. As I said before, this buff would mean much in prepatch period. I'm not saying that game would be muuuuuch better with this card buffed, I'm saying what Naesala said before. Expand the meta - since meta of the game already got expanded, and cards like Abomination got contracted. Buffing many cards in new game enviroment simply must include more serious changes than +1/-1. -1 cost buff means waaay much more for Pharaon or Anubis, while Abomination might need something else. And he is not the only card with that issue.