Kakerlake 2 - 0 Jappert
Deck for both matches:
58o 58o 58o 590 590 590 590 590 590 595 595 595 5aa 5aa 5t2 5t2 5t2 61o 61o 61o 61r 61r 61r 61r 61r 61r 78q 78q 7ri 808
1st Match: vs. Entropy Stall
First I thought AM's were comming and Japperts comments weren't helping much to change my mind, until I saw the Pandes. Damn u Jappert, for playing mind tricks with me xD
Anyway, Grabos were comming in a tripple and the firepower was out after Pandes and BB's hit it. I continued to double my Shriekers, and Pande hit again. Thanks to the BB's, a bunch of them survived though and got doubled, so in the end there was a bunch of 18 HP Shriekers running him down. Even his 60 HP SS couldn't help much anymore.
2nd Match: vs. Gravity Stall
RNG Pushed me to use the same deck again. I complained but RNG insisted, so I obeyed. Looking back, it was a good decision to yet again follow RNG's suggestion (as it is always) since my choice would have been an air/CC combo, which would have been obliterated.Early EQ denied a little Aether Quanta, but that wasn't much of a worrie since I had plenty production. I <3 Pillar split =)
Grabos hit the field, were doubled and suddenly all my Pillars were gone. Pulvy just rocks. But since Jappert only drew SS's and no CC, my 5 Shrieker were enough to beat him down fast, so he had to use his SS at ~20 Quanta. It was over by turn 12.
Great games, Jappert, it's always a pleasure having a match with you.
random fun fact:
I recieved 111 electrum, it took 333 second and if I had won one turn earlier, it would have been by turn 11.